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某电视台不久前在“让世界了解中国”的一档节目中,报道了中美两位市长的“真情流露”,令人惊愕不已。美国艾文市长在接受中国市长的邀请后,竟然表示她没有访华费用。她虽为一市之长,但办公费用来自市民纳税,每一笔开支必须对市民负责。访华的费用将是一笔额外开支,不在她的办公费之列。故她需先向有关企业募捐云云。而中国市长高兴地接受了访美邀请之后,丝毫没有表示任何对费用的顾虑,相反还“慷慨”地表示他愿意支付艾市长访华的一切费用,还主动提出要向艾文市长赠送衣服礼品等等。 东西两方市长“大比拼”,乍一看,西方的市长“太小气”,东方的市长“特大方”。你看,中方市长愿解决美方市长访华一切费用,而且索性大方到底,连来华访问的衣服也包下了,一并相赠,不知是否包括化妆品在内?细一想,总觉得有点不对劲。是艾文市长所处的市太穷吗?否。人家所处的来得蒙得市,乃是世界上最富有的微软公司总部、任天堂公司在美总部等大公司所在地,税收财源不可谓不雄厚。而我们中国这位市长所在的城市是一个从四个小村庄发展起来不久的小城市。家底如何,谁富谁穷是一目了然,无须智力测试的。 那么,中国市长是大款吗?这个问题就很难用一两句话来回答了。你说是,他又不是;你说不是,有的市长的派头不是大 It is astonishing that a television station not long ago reported on the “let the world know China” a program that reported on the “truthful disclosure” of the two mayors of China and the United States. After receiving an invitation from the Chinese mayor, the mayor of the United States said he did not have any fees for visiting China. Although she is a city leader, her office expenses come from the public taxpayers and every expenditure must be accountable to the public. The cost of visiting China will be an extra expense not out of her office expenses. Therefore, she needs to raise money for the relevant enterprises. After accepting the invitation to visit the United States, the mayor of China happily said that he did not express any concern about the cost. On the contrary, he also said “generously” that he is willing to pay all the fees that mayor Aizhan visited China. He also offered to ask Mayor Ai Wen Gift clothes and so on. The Mayor of both East and West “Competition”, at first glance, the mayor of the West “too stingy”, the mayor of the East “extraordinarily generous.” You see, the Chinese mayor is willing to solve the U.S. mayor’s visit to China all the costs, but simply generous in the end, even the clothes of the visit to China also under the package, together with gifts, I do not know whether to include cosmetics, think carefully, always feel A bit wrong. Is the city where Ivan Mayor is too poor? People come to the city of Monte-made, but the world’s richest Microsoft headquarters, Nintendo’s headquarters in the United States and other large companies located in the tax revenue can not be without exception. The city where our mayor of China is located is a small city that has developed from four small villages. How the family, who is rich who is poor at a glance, without intellectual tests. So, the Chinese mayor is a big money? This problem is difficult to answer with one or two sentences. You say yes, he is not; you say no, and some mayors are not big style
目的 观察血清、脑脊液中NSE含量变化在小儿中枢神经系统感染中的临床意义。方法 将我院儿科住院部收治的86例中枢神经系统感染患儿作为观察组,按疾病种类分为病脑组(30例)、化
心房颤动(atrial fibrillation),简称房颤,是临床上最常见的心律失常,其中约70%继发于器质性心脏疾病,30%为独立性房颤。器质性心脏疾病,如二尖瓣膜疾病、冠心病、心包炎、充
一、土地流转的现状及特点 近年来,灵宝市以农民增收为核心,积极探索创新农业经营新体制,通过宣传发动,典型带动,服务推动,合理引导农村土地流转。截至2014年底,全市土地流转面积1.2