Dietary analysis of the House Swift (Apus nipalensis) in Hong Kong using prey DNA in faecal samples

来源 :鸟类学研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:grand1008
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Background: To understand the dietary composition of the highly aerial swift (Apodidae), ecologists conventionally depend on the morphological identification of prey items from food boluses or stomach contents, but these tech-niques are often invasive, require expertise in identification, and often cannot produce accurate identifications at the species level. Methods: DNA barcoding was used to analyse the dietary composition of House Swifts (Apus nipalensis) in Hong Kong, China. Faecal samples from five different colonial nest sites were collected between 2019 and 2020. We used universal primers to amplify a region of the cytochrome C oxidase gene from prey DNA in the faecal samples for identification purposes. Results: Ten different orders and 44 families from three different classes of Arthropoda were identified in the col-lected faecal samples. Hymenoptera, Hemiptera and Diptera were the most prevalent groups of prey found in the samples. Differences in the dietary composition of House Swifts during the breeding (April to September) and non-breeding (October to March) season were also found. Hymenoptera, particularly ants (Formicidae), were predominant in the diet during the breeding season, whereas Diptera and Hemiptera were predominant during the non-breeding season. Conclusion: The prey groups identified in this study were similar to those identified in a previous study of the diet of House Swift, which also suggests a possible role of House Swifts in reducing the numbers of local insect pests. This study demonstrates the usefulness of applying molecular tools for the dietary analysis of aerial feeders. Conserving local forested areas may be crucial for the maintenance of House Swift population.
摘 要:目前,教育的改革正由应试教育不断向素质教育转变,但社会、家长对教育的评价还没有完全从量到质的观点转变,很大一部分还停于用学生的学习成绩的高低来衡量教育的好坏,这就有留传于世的:分分,学生、老师的命根。这对生物学科、生物教师来讲,要想使学生学好生物学科就极具挑战性,因为生物学科未纳入中考的范畴或者纳入中考的成绩仅占20%左右。那学生该如何学,教师该如何教?  关键词:新课标;素质教育;信心;
上世纪50年代,一个名叫齐格的年轻人进入美国约翰逊电器公司做煤气灶推销员。当时,煤气灶还是一个新鲜物,所以价格很贵,每台需要320美元。  一次,齐格的家乡要举办一个商品展,他就把煤气灶带了回去,租了一个摊位,并且用煤气灶做了很多美味的食物。齐格一边把食物让大家免费品尝,一边向人们介绍煤气灶的优点。正当人们都饶有兴致地品尝着食物,欣赏着这个奇怪灶具的时候,突然有人扯开嗓门大喊:“这有什么奇怪的?5
摘 要:小额贷款公司在我国的发展已有12余年的历史,从无到有,从小到大,小额贷款公司整体在风浪中前进,取得了骄人的业绩。本文以广东省小额贷款公司整体行业为研究对象,发现其在发展过程中面临三方面问题:第一,行业集中度低,经营效率相对不高;第二,对第一产业的支持作用不显著;第三,对农村地区支持不足。以此为基础,本文提出了广东省小额贷款公司发展的建议措施。  关键词:小额贷款公司;三农问题;珠江三角洲;
Background: The Rufous-backed Bunting, Emberiza jankowskii, is an endangered species that is primarily distributed in Inner Mongolia, China. The main threats to