Thick Target Neutron Production on Aluminum and Copper by 40 MeV Deuterons

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxz2004
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The thick target neutron yields(TTNYs) of deuteron-induced reaction on Al and Cu isotopes are analyzed by combining the improved nuclear models and particle transport effects. The modified Glauber model is employed mainly to produce the peak of double differential cross section for the breakup process, and the exciton model and the Hauser-Feshbach theory are used for the statistical processes. The thin-layer accumulation method is used to calculate the TTNYs considering the neutron attenuation effects in the target. The calculated results are compared with the existing experimental data, and the analysis method can predict the data well at the deuteron energy of 40 MeV. The thick target neutron yields (TTNYs) of deuteron-induced reaction on Al and Cu isotopes are analyzed by combining the improved nuclear models and particle transport effects. The modified Glauber model is employed mainly to produce the peak of double differential cross section for the breakup process, and the exciton model and the Hauser-Feshbach theory are used for the statistical processes. The thin-layer accumulation method is used to calculate the neutron attenuation effects in the target. The calculated results are compared with the existing experimental data , and the analysis method can predict the data well at the deuteron energy of 40 MeV.
汉武帝初年,社会贫富分化触目惊心。权贵奢靡、奸商暴富,市场混乱、国弱民贫,这使外表华丽、富裕的汉王朝在匈奴的烈马强弓面前不堪一击,只得暂用和亲这样的外交政策苟且偷安。如何解决贫富分化而又不动摇社会稳定?如何集中国力解除边患?汉武帝实行了一系列颇显雄才睿智的软性改革。  首先,用软性“强拆”方式,对奢靡浮华、富可敌国的地方豪强实行举家迁徙。  元朔二年(前127年),汉武帝颁布了著名的《迁茂陵令》,
This study constructs a potential risk index(PRI) for the 65 U.S.-based commercial nuclear power plant(NPP) sites in relation to their surrounding populations.