北京市人民政府办公厅转发市教委关于做好2001年中小学 人学招生工作意见的通知

来源 :北京市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longerken
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各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:市教委《关于做好2001年中小学入学招生工作的意见》已经市政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。中小学入学招生工作关系到广大人民群众的切身利益,关系到教育工作的健康发展,关系到党和政府在人民群众中的形象。各级政府及有关部门要高度重视这项工作,提高认识,加强领导,统一部署,精心组织。有关部门要严格执行中小学招生工作的有关规定,禁止乱收费、高收费,对招生工作中出现的各种违规违纪行为要严肃查处,并追究主要领导人和有关工作人员的责任,确保2001年中小学入学招生工作顺利进行。 All District and County People’s Governments, Municipal Committees, Offices, Bureaus, and Municipal Institutions: The Municipal Education Commission’s “Opinions on the Admission of Primary and Secondary Schools in 2001” has been approved by the municipal government and is now forwarded to you. Please implement them in earnest. . The enrollment of students in primary and secondary schools is related to the vital interests of the broad masses of the people, to the healthy development of education, and to the image of the Party and the government among the people. Governments at all levels and relevant departments must attach great importance to this work, increase understanding, strengthen leadership, and deploy them in a unified manner. Relevant departments must strictly implement the relevant regulations for enrollment in primary and secondary schools, prohibit arbitrary charges, and high fees. They must strictly investigate and punish all kinds of violations and violations of disciplines in the enrollment work, and investigate the responsibilities of the principal leaders and relevant staff to ensure that the year 2001 Primary and secondary school enrollment work went smoothly.
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