Integrated Fluid-Thermal-Structural Numerical Analysis for the Quenching of Metallic Components

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eden_1005
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The quenching of a metal component with a channel section in a water tank is numerically simulated.Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to model the multiphase flow and the heat transfer in film boiling,nucleate boiling and convective cooling processes to calculate the difference in heat transfer rate around the component and then combining with the thermal simulation and structure analysis of the component to study the effect of heat transfer rate on the distortion of the U-channel component.A model is also established to calculate the residual stress produced by quenching.The coupling fluid-thermal-structural simulation provides an insight into the deformation of the component and can be used to perform parameter analysis to reduce the distortion of the component. The quenching of a metal component with a channel section in a water tank is numerically simulated. Combinational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to model the multiphase flow and the heat transfer in film boiling, nucleate boiling and convective cooling processes to calculate the difference in heat transfer rate around the component and then combining with the thermal simulation and structure analysis of the component to study the effect of heat transfer rate on the distortion of the U-channel component. A model is also established to calculate the residual stress produced by quenching . The coupling fluid-thermal-structural simulation provides an insight into the deformation of the component and can be used to perform parameter analysis to reduce the distortion of the component.
In the present research, mechanically alloyed Ni-Al powder was utilized to develop plasma sprayed coatings, and the effect of the spray distance and heat treatm
摘 要:中学物理教学改革应加强探究性学习,使学生掌握更多的学习方法,注重实验过程,让学生理解物理实验中每一个过程的目的。把所学的物理知识和实际生活联系起来,培养学生的实际操作能力。  关键词:学习方式;过程;应用  教与学是教学过程中的两个主要矛盾,它贯穿于整个教学过程,存在于教学过程中的各个环节。学生作为学习的主体,只有积极主动地学习,通过认真地观察、实践、思考,领会物理现象中蕴涵的规律,产生探