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中国传媒科技杂志社为了更好地为广大媒体技术工作者服务,不断探讨传媒技术工作的发展,决定以举办“传媒沙龙”形式,邀请传媒单位的技术主管、技术工作者、有关专家、厂商代表,共同就传媒技术工作中的热点、难点、焦点问题进行深入而广泛的交流。“传媒沙龙”的宗旨是交流、互动、探讨、发现。中国传媒科技杂志社希望通过“传媒沙龙”这个平台,提供一个沟通、交流的渠道,把广大新闻技术工作者的所想通过平台传递给有关领导,同时在用户和厂商之间搭建一个桥梁。“传媒沙龙”每月举办一次,每次确立一个交流主题,与会代表围绕主题,交流经验,提出问题,探讨解决问题的办法,从而寻找传媒科技发展的突破口。2008年11月1 4日是“传媒沙龙”开场锣鼓击响的日子,在中国传媒科技杂志社的会议室里,来自京内各大报社的技术主管、新华社技术局标准化办公室的负责人、中国新闻技术工作者联合会的有关领导、北大方正电子有限公司的厂商技术专家和中国传媒科技杂志社的采编人员集聚一堂,共同就“《中文新闻信息技术标准》的推广应用”进行了经验交流。大家对中国传媒科技杂志社举办“传媒沙龙”形式表示了赞同。交流会上,与会同志踊跃发言,气氛热烈。 In order to better serve the broad masses of media technology workers, China Media Science and Technology Magazine constantly explores the development of media technology work and decides to invite technical directors, technical workers, relevant experts from media units to hold the “Media Salon” Manufacturers and representatives to jointly conduct in-depth and extensive exchanges on the hot issues, difficulties and focus issues in the media technology work. “Media salon” is the purpose of communication, interaction, exploration and discovery. China Media Technology Magazine hopes to provide a channel of communication and exchange through the platform of “Media Salon”, pass on the platform of the majority of news technology workers to relevant leaders and build a bridge between users and manufacturers . “Media salon ” held once a month, each time to establish a theme of exchange, delegates around the theme, exchange of experience, ask questions, explore ways to solve the problem, in order to find a breakthrough in the development of media science and technology. November 14, 2008 is the opening day of the “Media Salon” gongs and drums of the day, the China Media Technology magazine meeting room, from major newspapers in Tokyo, technical director, Xinhua News Agency Technical Bureau Office of Standardization responsible People, the relevant leaders of China Federation of Information Technology Workers, Founder Electronics Co., Ltd. Beijing manufacturers and technical experts and China Media Technology Magazine’s editorial staff gathered together on the “Chinese news and information technology standards, ” the promotion and application Experience exchange. Everyone expressed their approval of the “Media Salon” format held by the China Media Technology Magazine. At the exchange meeting, the participating comrades enthusiastically spoke in a warm atmosphere.
根据西藏南部色龙西山剖面色龙组新材料建立了二叠纪腕足动物一新属Gruntea gen. nov., 并对模式种Gruntea grunti(Shi and Shen)作进一步的讨论和重新描述.“,”A new Permi