
来源 :家庭电子 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godmouse
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近日,笔者一位朋友经历了惊险的一幕。一天晚上他正在卫生间洗脸,突然卫生间的灯泡“嘭”的一声炸裂,灯罩被炸飞,击中了他的后背,幸好灯罩是用塑料制成,因此破碎的灯泡玻璃片才未伤到他,否则后果难以想像。为什么会出现这样的情况呢?原来朋友卫生间安装的灯泡是从地摊上买回的廉价节能灯,用了还不到一个月就发生了这样的事情。其实类似的事情恐怕不止笔者朋友一人遇到过,由于目前市场上的灯泡产品良莠不齐,许多消费者在购买灯泡时往往抱着无所谓的态度,认为只要能亮,当然越便宜越好。因此一 Recently, the author of a friend experienced a thrilling scene. One evening he was washing his face in the bathroom. Suddenly the bathroom light bulb burst into tears. The lampshade was blown up and hit his back. Fortunately, the lampshade was made of plastic, so the broken glass bulb did not hurt To him, or unimaginable consequences. Why did this happen? The original friend’s bathroom light bulb is bought from the stalls to buy cheap energy-saving lamps, took less than a month to have such a thing. In fact, I am afraid that similar things more than one friend I met, because the current market bulbs are mixed, many consumers often buy indifferent light bulb attitude, that as long as bright, of course, the cheaper the better. So one
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欧内斯特·盖恩斯(Ernest J.Gaines,1933-)是当代著名的美国非裔作家之一,迄今为止,已发表6部长篇小说,1部短篇小说集和1部散文集。盖恩斯曾多次获得国内大奖,包括国家艺术研究基
Expression of insecticidal protein for transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt) cotton is unstable and related to nitrogen metabolism.The objective of this study w