
来源 :临床口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:noegen
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报道1263例老年前期及老年期口腔颌面外科患者疾病的统计分析。提示:口腔颌面部肿瘤比例高(82.8%),依次为感染(11.1%),损伤(3.6%),先后天畸形(2.5%).其中,恶性肿瘤最为突出(71.1%),多间隙感染多见(约占间隙感染50%+),颌骨损伤居多(占损伤病例的65.2%),几乎全为后天畸形、缺损。老年前期和老年期疾病的病种分布相似,均以肿瘤严重威胁着健康。本文还对以上特点进行了分析和讨论,并提出一些防治措施,特别强调预防重点应放在老年前期之前为宜。 Reported 1263 cases of elderly patients with senile and elderly oral and maxillofacial disease statistical analysis. Hints: Oral and maxillofacial tumors were high (82.8%), followed by infection (11.1%), injury (3.6%) and congenital malformations (2.5%). Malignant tumors were most prominent (71.1%), multiple interstitial infections were common (accounting for 50% of interstitial infections), most of the jaws were damaged (65.2% of the cases), almost all of them were acquired deformities and defects . The distribution of disease types in pre-senile and old-age diseases are similar, all of which are seriously threatening the health of the tumor. This article also analyzes and discusses the above characteristics, and puts forward some prevention and control measures, with particular emphasis on prevention should be placed before the pre-elderly appropriate.
文章采用Cite Space知识图谱可视化工具,运用关键词共现分析法和内容分析法,重点对CNKI数据库中151篇关于大卫·哈维的文献研究热点、研究前沿等进行分析。研究表明,大卫·哈
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