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《一由地=9.35亩田》一文获得1991年“北京新闻奖”一等奖,这首先是集体智慧的结晶。当年“十一”前夕,报社组织迎国庆成就报道,是我们农村部负责同志提出了这个报道选题,并得到报社编辑部负责同志赞同,同时,报社领导要求:这是个老题目,要写出新意。这些,为这篇好新闻的产生奠定了良好基础。作为一名记者,我在采访、写作这条消息的过程中也有一些收获、体会。 The “First Place = 9.35 Mu” won the first prize of the 1991 Beijing News Award, which is above all the result of collective wisdom. On the eve of the 11th that year, the newspaper organization reported the achievements of the National Day celebrations. It was the topic selected by the comrades in charge of the rural areas for this report and was endorsed by the responsible comrades of the editorial department of the newspaper. At the same time, the newspaper leaders required: This is an old topic, New ideas. These laid a good foundation for this good news. As a reporter, I also had some experience gained in the course of interviewing and writing this message.
High precision atom interferometers have shown attractive prospects in laboratory for testing fundamental physics and inertial sensing.Efforts on applying this
本试验对45份红干椒品种资源进行了形态学、生理学、生化等多方面的综合研究,并采用系统聚类分析、相关分析等方法进行分析,结果表明: 1、45份红干椒品种资源通过形态学聚类
如果有人问我,作为一个编辑,你最近对新闻写作方面有什么想法? 我将不假思索地回答:首先拿出合格品来。何以如此?且听我道出几条理由。“质量品种效益年”和新闻界 1991年,
A theoretical model was proposed to describe the effects of exteal bias electric field on terahertz (THz) generated in air plasma. The model predicted that for
作者原题: 主标题——破产法实施三年破产案受理117件副题——破产企业职工安置是目前破产案受理与审理中的一大障碍见报稿标题和部分内容:主标题——去年全国破产企业五十
Photodetachment of negative ions has attracted immense interest owing to its fundamental nature and practical implications with regard to technology. In this st
Poncirus trifoliate(L.) Raf在柑橘培养中广泛用作砧木,在充分冷驯化后可以抵御-20℃的低温。在前期工作中,本实验室利用抑制性消减杂交(SSH)的方法从枳中筛选出一种碱性/中性
The direct above-threshold ionization (ATI) of diatomic molecules in linearly-polarized infrared and extreme ultraviolet (IR+XUV) laser fields is investigated b