The research of Academy Culture in Modern Times

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  【Abstract】In recent years, there is a growing tendency on Academy culture research, which are divided into three categories: overall research, regional study and case study.This paper talks the three aspects respectively.
  【Key words】Chinese Ancient Academy; overall research; regional study; case study
  1. Overall Research on Academy
  At present, the integrative study on Academy can be roughly divided into four aspects: history of Academy development,Academy system and the function of Academy and comments of Academy.
  In the history of Academy development, the book China Academies History written by Deng Hongbo, comprehensively expounded the development status of Chinese Ancient Academies, emphatically introduced the achievements in the development of the academies in each historical period, which also included many wonderful comments on Academies. It is an important reference book for those who study on Academies. Zhao Suosheng’s book Chinese Dynasties Academy Documents recorded 115 articles records of ancient academies, it shouldn’t be ignored when doing researches on Academy. Bai Xinliang’s History of the Development of Ancient Academies, the contents of which are rich, and there is a lot of statistical data in the book, the feature of this book is to give facts, but not to judge. Edited by Zhu Hanmin, the book Chinese Academies have published a total of eight series,which contains the development status of Chinese Academies from ancient to modern society, and also evaluation of scholars on the development of the Academies, which is a very good reference material. In addition, Nie Chongqi in the book Relationship of Academy and Research verified the history of the Academies, which is worth of learning.
  In the aspects of Academy System, some special introduction about Academies involved the contents, such as Bailudong Academy, Yuelu Academy, Erhu Academy etc...The Academy system, written by Hu Shi" was a paper focused on the Dyansty of Song and Qing Academy system research and the description of Academy spirits, but since then, people who research on Academy spirits are more and more. Chen Yuanhui and Wang Bingzhao wrote the book System of Chinese Ancient Academies, which introduces in detail the Academy courses, school regulations and other aspects of the content of the lecture system. In addition, Chinese Academies, edited by Zhu Hanmin, also has a discussion of the Academy system.
  The Academy functions, mainly discusses the role of Academy played in the imperial examination, academic, social and collection. Li Bing in his book Academy-the Undertaker and Rectifier of Imperial Examination Oriented Education, analyzed the influence that Academy produced to the imperial examination oriented education, which were quite pertinent views. Zhang Jingsong’s Reconsideration of Relationship between Academy and the Imperial Examination - Take the Academies From Tang Dynasties to Five Dynasties as an Example, he thought that the imperial examination was an important driving force for the development of the Academies. Deng Hongbo’s Neo- Confucianists and the Rising of Southern Song Acadymies, started from the relationship between Neo-Confucianism and the Academy, and he also considered that Neo-Confucianists in Southern Song Dynasty were committed to promoted the combination of Academy of science. Zheng Liancong’s Bailudong Academy Library Catalogue Research, finished the Bailudong Academy library, expounds its characteristics and position in Classical Bibliography in China. Xiao Yongming’s Academy and Local Social Interaction aims to elaborate the academy as a unique educational and cultural organization, the existence of close interaction with local society, and this relationship is mainly reflected in the multi-supporting of local government Academies and Academies to local economic and culture.
沉寂三年之后,2011年8月5日,cPL(cyberachlete ProfessionalLeague,职业电子竞技联盟)超级明星邀请赛终于在沈阳市正式开战。由于上海的wcG中国区总决赛同期举行,诸多war3和DotA选手没能赶到沈阳,cPL只得先进行《星际争霸2》项目的比赛。两天后,sky、TH000、Infi等一帮电竞明星才风尘仆仆地赶到沈阳。时隔仅仅两天,wcG决赛的对手们就在cPL舞台上
2011年3月25日-27日,两支中国队伍CCM和LGD远征亚洲DotA重镇马来西亚,参加了全新的国际线下赛事——I-City’s Pro DotA Championship 2011(简称IPDC2011)。在众多东南亚战队的包围下,中国军团脱颖而出,分别取得冠军和季军。又一次的逢外战必胜,CCM和LGD用摧枯拉朽的表现证明了一条真理:想体验最新战术,请找中国队!想求虐,请找中国队!    Ho
【摘要】本文通过英国的十一所大学(即牛津大学、剑桥大学、爱丁堡大学、伦敦大学、伦敦国王大学、诺丁汉大学、伯明翰大学、布里斯托尔大学、利兹大学、曼彻斯特大学、谢菲尔德大学进行对比分析)的官网数据对教育学硕士研究所的专业设置、教学内容、方法、评价方式进行总结,分析其特点以及成功经验。  【关键词】教育学硕士 英国大学 官网  一、教育学硕士情况总结  1.英国教育学学术型研究生教育的专业设置情况。该部
众多前辈铸造钢铁人族  也许是因为很多玩家习惯了在即时战略类游戏当中使用机枪兵加坦克作战,才会不约而同的选择人族。而人族相比虫族和神族又有这简明清晰易于上手的特点。在这里又不得不提一批又一批的人族领袖带领人族逐步强大的人物。  十年前,他作为第一个代表中国拿到WCG星际项目唯一冠军的男人,虽然是2v2项目,但是他的人族印在了十年前每一个星际玩家的脑海之中。他是马天元,一个中国电子竞技史上铭记的人物
68万元,这是浙江省瑞安市一位私营企业主为超生付出的代价。面对社会影响恶劣的富人、名人超生现象,各地正加大处罚力度予以遏制。  然而一个无法回避的尴尬是:作为惩罚措施的“社会抚养金”越收越多,富人、名人超生现象却没有相应地减少。    富人、名人屡成“漏网之鱼”    “治理富人、名人超生问题,硬办法不行,软办法不灵。”温州市人口与计划生育委员会主任郑锦春无奈地表示,基层计生人员面对富人、名人超生
【摘要】作业是课堂教学不可缺少的组成,在于反馈学生学习情况和教师教学水平。当前的大部分初中英语教师在传统应试教育影响下设计作业较为枯燥单一,学生完成度偏低,不利于培养学生英语能力。对此,在新时期背景下应从多方面优化英语作业设计,最大限度提高作业实效和学生学习水平。  【关键词】初中英语;作业;实效性;新时期  【作者简介】孔素玲,姜堰实验初级中学。  近年来,随着核心素养理念提出,各个学科作业设计
2005年8月,中国一批国有企业的高层主管来到美国,接受为期三个月的培训。上《管理与企业未来》这门课时,根据哈佛最著名的案例教学法,他们拿到的是一份具有测试性质的案例:   请根据下面三家公司的管理现状,判断它们的前途。   公司A:八点钟上班,实行打卡制,迟到或早退一分钟扣五十元;统一着装,必须佩带胸卡;每年有组织地搞一次旅游、两次聚会、三次联欢、四次体育比赛,每个员工每年要提4项合理化建议。 
作为中国西部火山最密集的集中地,高黎贡山腹地分布着大大小小90多座形似铁锅的新生代火山,壮观罕见;  高黎贡山原始森林中生存着4600多种珍稀植物和众多珍稀动物,尽管猎人这种古老职业已退出历史舞台,但他们的传说依旧在草木间流传;  高黎贡山盛产“玉中之王”——翡翠。在赌石者眼中,山里遍地是黄金,可能一夜暴富,也可能数亿元瞬间化为乌有。  在高黎贡山风雪垭口旁,有一泊神奇的冰蚀湖,那是听命河的源头,
编者按:在我们着手做这样一期具有魔兽十年纪念意义的刊物时,暴雪,这个名字自然会第一个出现在大家的记忆当中。 2002年,暴雪的精品之作《魔兽争霸3》的问世,到十年后的今天,他们的这个决定彻底的改变了一批玩家的青春以及生活。而我们这些年来的痛苦与快乐,其“原罪人”当属暴雪开发魔兽争霸的这一批人。  2012年,《电子竞技》杂志再次访问暴雪,让我们在访谈中了解魔兽的前世今生是如何,让我们来看看,这些“
悬空村被封印在深山数百年,一个偶然的机会才被探险者发现。村里唯一的“主干道”,竟然是在悬崖之上用木桩一根一根架起来的;  据说300年前,就有村民在此居住。相传他们是追随崇祯皇帝的四皇子到此隐居的,他们还有一个任务:世代守护着明朝埋藏在这里的宝藏;  悬空村的人很长寿。村民的解释是:老祖宗在这块土地上留下了长寿秘籍,住在这里的人都会延年益寿,一生无忧。  说起“悬空寺”,山西北岳恒山的那座寺庙可谓