
来源 :国外医学.神经病学神经外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowl
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视乳头水肿是颈静脉球瘤患者中的一种罕见征象.作者报告一例该肿瘤并来侵犯颅内,但出现颅内压增高,而且在肿瘤切除后颅高压获得了缓解.该患者为51岁女性,于1976年因右侧耳聋,耳鸣初次就诊.约在入院前6个月发现右耳听力下降,以及和脉搏一致的颅内杂音.过去病史中除1957年因肥胖而被诊断为甲状腺机能低下,并采用了甲状腺素替代治疗之外,其他无特殊.入院时体检发现在右侧颞部乳突以及颅底部有较大的杂音.右侧轻度周围性面瘫和右耳神经性聋.眼底正常.多体层照片显示右岩骨破坏及右颈静脉孔扩大.脑血管造影显示巨大的血管性病变占据了右侧岩骨,由颈内外动脉的一些分枝供血,动脉血迅速分流到右侧横突,并有造影剂返流到矢状窦.根据以上所见,考虑为动静脉畸形或颈静脉球瘤.没有颅内侵犯而只有轻微的神经系统障碍,不能确定该病变是否为肿瘤,认为直接手术可能具有较大危险性难于对付,选用 Optic edema is a rare sign in patients with jugular bulbar tumors. The authors reported one case of the tumor and invaded the brain, but increased intracranial pressure, and the remission of intracranial hypertension after resection of the tumor. The patient was 51 years old. In 1976, she was diagnosed with a right ear deafness and tinnitus for the first time. About 6 months prior to admission, she had a hearing loss in the right ear and a pulsed intracranial murmur. The past medical history was diagnosed with thyroid function except obesity in 1957. Low, and the use of thyroid hormone replacement therapy, the other no special. Physical examination found on the right side of the mastoid papillae and the bottom of the skull with a large murmur. Right side of the facial paralysis and right ear nerve spasm. The fundus is normal. Multi-layered photographs show destruction of the right petrous bone and enlargement of the right jugular foramen. Cerebral angiography shows that a huge vascular lesion occupies the right petrous bone. Blood is provided by some branches of the internal and external carotid artery. Arterial blood quickly diverts to The right side of the transverse process, and contrast agent reflux to the sagittal sinus. According to the above, considered as arteriovenous malformation or jugular bulb tumor. There is no intracranial invasion and only a slight neurological disorder, can not determine whether the lesion is Tumor, Direct surgery may have a greater risk of difficult to deal with, the choice of
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阴茎肉瘤极罕见,文献记载有纤维肉瘤、平滑肌肉瘤,横纹肌肉瘤、血管内皮肉瘤,Kaposi 氏肉瘤、圆形细胞肉瘤、梭形细胞肉瘤、混合细胞肉瘤。尚未见有浆细胞肉瘤。我科遇到一