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无声的世界,用爱去倾听;关注聋校学子,你我共同责任。近日,记者来到武汉市第二聋校进行了为期一周的采访活动。位于中南腹地武汉洪山的武汉市第二聋校,经历了七十五年的发展,现已经成为一个拥有学前康复、小学、初中和职业高中四个学段,以康复教育、职业教育、艺术教育和教育科研为办学特色,集教育教学、康复医疗、教育科研和社区服务于一体的多层次、多学段的新型特殊教育学校。多年来,学校一直努力实践“为了聋生的明天”的理念,取得了骄人的办学成绩。目前学校以规模大、质量高、声誉好在全国有较好的影响和评价,使前来视察的领导交口称赞,各地取经的学校纷至沓来。通过这一周的采访,记者感触颇深,学校的一些做法、经验甚至震撼了我们的心灵。下面,记者把该校的一些办学经验稍作整理,发表出来与大家分享,聆听在无声的世界里谱写的最美之歌。 Silent world, love to listen; concerned deaf school, you and I shared responsibility. Recently, the reporter came to the second deaf school in Wuhan for a week-long interview. The second deaf school in Wuhan City, located in the central and southern hinterland of Hongshan, Wuhan, has experienced 75 years of development. Now it has become one with four sections: pre-school rehabilitation, primary school, junior high school and vocational high school. Rehabilitation education, vocational education and art education And education and research for the school characteristics, set education and teaching, rehabilitation, education, research and community services in one multi-level, multi-session of the new special education schools. Over the years, the school has been working hard to achieve the goal of “Deaf students tomorrow,” and achieved remarkable academic performance. At present, the schools are large-scale, high-quality and well-reputable in the country. They have good influence and evaluation throughout the country, making the leaders who came to visit their places applauded and the schools that have taken in many places flock to it. Through this week’s interview, reporters feel quite deep, and some of the practices and experiences of our schools have even shocked our hearts. Below, the reporter to some of the school’s experience in running a little finishing, published to share with you, listen to the most beautiful song written in the silent world.
一、经济学中有关理性的争论 人具有完全理性吗?经济学应该建立在理性假说之上吗?长期以来,经济学家,乃至社会学家、心理学家都一直在参与这场迄今尚无结果的争论。 理性被
在新的媒体时代,信息技术给予了信息更大的活力。重视“草根”的力量,了解“草根”的行为方式,是每个“信息时代居民”的必修课。2001年“9·11”飞机撞击双塔的画 In the n
1.成功的是许三多。入学后,你应该会震撼,原来身边有才华的人是这么多!但是妹妹,你记住,年轻时“才华横溢”是一个莫大的贬义词。我不是要你做笨鸟——如果不笨的鸟先飞,那就无敌了。如果没有脚踏实地,天赋是最误人的东西,最不值钱。有天赋的人最不相信游戏规则。我希望你首先搞清楚,成功的不是袁朗而是许三多。  2.和年长的人谈人生。大学四年,萦绕在你心头的必然会有一个词:困惑。如果你困惑了,找人聊天或者去读
BACKGROUND: Developing a model of focal cortical dysplasia in microgyrus and observing the ultrastructure of focal tissue is of important significance for analy
第四单元自测题  (满分:100分 时间:100分钟)  一、基础练兵场(26分)  1. 根据下列语段的内容,在括号内写出正确的拼音或汉字。(4分)  大自然是一座宏伟的舞台,大地是一张神奇的幕布,季节,则是高明的魔术师了。每个季节都用贮( )蓄的能量表演出酝酿( )已久的绝招。春姑娘散花时的轻盈,夏少年注目后的火热,秋少女掷果时的羞sè( ),冬孩子飞舞后的澄净,令人油然产生一种心灵的共鸣和美