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小品石组合在石界已蔚然成风,成为雅石艺术的一大靓点。个中缘由是赏析者在其中可以以单体石为素材,充分发挥自己的艺术才能,构筑一个寄托自己思想情感和理想的小品石组合的艺术世界。于是,在赏石文化的专业期刊、网络和展会上,林林总总的小品石组合的倩影总是让人格外注目。广大石友对小品石组合的创作实践,为其艺术鉴赏的理论研究提供了源头活水。本文就小品石组合艺术鉴赏的三个方面,即关联度鉴赏、形式美鉴赏、意蕴美鉴赏,以及小品石组合的鉴评标准等提出一些看法,以求教于方家与广大石友。 Pieces stone combination has become a common practice in the stone industry, Art stone has become a big attraction. One of the reasons is that the appreciation of the monolith which can be used as material, give full play to their artistic talent, to build a pin-up their emotions and ideals of the combination of small pieces of the art world. As a result, in the stone culture of professional journals, networks and exhibitions, numerous small stone combination of the shadow always make extra attention. The vast number of stone Friends of the combination of small pieces of stone creation practice for the art appreciation of the theoretical study provides the source of living water. This article puts forward some opinions on the three aspects of art appreciation of the combination of earthenware stone, namely the appreciation of association degree, the appreciation of the beauty of the form, the appreciation of the beauty of the beauty, and the evaluation criteria of the earthenware stone combination.
1.17世纪初期,英国伦敦街道上的载人或运货马车随意乱行,经常诱发交叉路口或狭窄路段的交通堵塞,引起议员们的高度关注。 1. In the early 17th century, manned or cargo
随着测试场内基本硬件的发展 ,天线测试技术发生了变革。本文通过对天线重力产生的变形的测试 ,证明了普通结构分析方法的分析结果与精密的天线测试场内精确的测试结果之间存