Study on English Vocabulary Learning Strategies of College Students

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccc_tw
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as a first-level subject, the most widely used language in the world, and as a tool, English is becoming more and more important for college students under the background of globalization. Today, China is further moving to the center of the world stage. The fate of contemporary college students is connected with the motherland and must maintain a very close relationship with the world. Under this background, the Ministry of Education has strengthened the importance of college English. Nowadays, CET-4 and CET-6 gradually increase the difficulty, and the position of English scores in graduate examinations is becoming more and more important. Therefore, in order to better study and development, contemporary college students' English learning should be highly valued. English vocabulary is in the basic position in the English language. If contemporary college students want to learn and use English well, they must conquer vocabulary first.
同志们 :今天召开地方志工作会议 ,从修史编志的意义上来讲 ,这是一次十分重要的会议。我任和田地委书记已经整 3年了。 3年来我对和田党史资料的征集、地方志的撰写都是很重
2011年1月,偏锋新艺术空间举办了瞿广慈雕塑展,这是作者近两年的心态记录,反映了人近中年的艺术家对自身与生态的交互关系的思考, In January 2011, PIFE New Art Space hel