
来源 :地理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bendanban
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Transport infrastructure plays an important role in shaping the configuration of spa-tial socio-economic structures and influences regional accessibility. This paper defines transport dominance from three aspects: quafity, quantity, and advantage, measured by den-sity, proximity, and accessibility indices. County is the basic unit for analysis. The results reveal: (1) Transport dominance statistically follows a partial normal distribution. A very few counties, 1.4% of the total, have extremely high transport dominance which strongly supports the socio-economic development in these areas. In contrast, one eighth of all counties have poor transport dominance which impedes local socio-economic development to some extent. The remaining areas, about 70% of the counties, have median transport dominance. (2) Transport dominance is spatially unevenly distributed, with values decreasing gradually from the coastal area to the inland area. Areas in the first-highest level of transport dominance are mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta, the Greater Beijing area, and the Pearl River Delta. Areas in the second-highest level are focused in Chengdu, Chongqing, and Wuhan metropolitan areas. Provincial capitals and a few other counties belong to the third-highest level.
本文主要探讨了在国外对华反倾销愈演愈烈的形势下,如何有效进行相关情报监测,为应对反倾销提供支持的问题。 频频发生的对华反倾销不仅给我国企业带来很大损失,而且对我国相
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关键词:玻璃幕墙;安全玻璃  中图分类号:TU201.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-7344(2018)23-0330-02  1 前 言  高层建筑是现代城市的标志,特别是我国自從开放以来,象征现代城市标志的高层建筑在各城市间如雨后春笋般建立起来,在高层尤其是在超高层建筑中幕墙玻璃是不能缺少的,没有它超高层建筑就很难立起来,玻璃幕墙不仅仅是一面墙,它极大的丰富了现代城市的景观,它轻巧、