
来源 :抗日战争研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rights_2005
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藏传佛教僧人在严酷的战争面前 ,清醒地认识到唇亡齿寒 ,只有与各民族人民紧紧地维系在一起 ,才能拯救祖国 ,最终拯救自己。于是 ,他们积极投身抗日活动 ,与全国各族人民一道 ,同仇敌忄气 ,捐款捐物。同时 ,藏传佛教高僧也通过抗战活动消除前嫌 ,增强了内部的团结。本文以充分的史料说明日寇企图利用这场战争挑拨中国各民族的关系 ,达到分裂中国的目的。但是 ,日本侵华战争反而促成了中华民族的精诚团结———汉满蒙回藏的联合。本文指出 ,这些藏传佛教僧人的行为 ,对于鼓舞人民抗日斗志 ,推动抗战高潮进一步发展 ,促进抗日民族统一战线的形成 ,起到了重要作用 ;并进一步促进了全国各族人民的团结与协作 ,增强了中华民族的凝聚力 Before the harsh war, Tibetan Buddhist monks are soberly aware of the fact that they are hard-pressed to death. Only when they are closely linked with the peoples of various ethnic groups can they save the motherland and eventually save themselves. As a result, they actively joined the anti-Japanese activities, together with the people of all ethnic groups across the country, turned a deaf ear to their enemies and donated money and materials. At the same time, monks from Tibetan Buddhism also eliminated the avenues through anti-Japanese war activities and strengthened their internal solidarity. This article uses sufficient historical data to demonstrate that the Japanese invaders attempted to use this war to sow the relations among the various ethnic groups in China and achieve the goal of splitting China. However, Japan’s war of aggression against China instead contributed to the unity of solidarity of the Chinese nation --- Han Mongolian-Mongolian joint. The article points out that the behavior of these Tibetan Buddhist monks played an important role in inspiring the people to fight Japan, promoting the further development of the war of resistance against Japan, and promoting the formation of the anti-Japanese national united front. It further promoted the unity and cooperation between the people of all nationalities in the country and enhanced their efforts The cohesion of the Chinese nation
要把幼儿培养成为模仿者还是创造者呢?通过绘画周记这种表现形式,引导幼儿细致观察、注重体验、评价感悟,培养幼儿在生活中仔细看、用心记、画下来的习惯。 To nurture chil
六年级是小学阶段的最后一年,每一个小学教师都要对六年级学生进行有效的教学,以促使六年级学生更好地发展。 The sixth grade is the final year of primary school, and e