
来源 :中国公共安全(综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intaaad
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在物联网领域发展如火如荼的今天,车联网作为物联网的典型应用,引起了越来越广泛的关注。车联网的实现将会给社会和生活带来巨大的变化,然而实现车联网的技术目前并没有完全具备。本文从车联网的发展现状出发,逐步介绍了实现车联网需要突破的各项关键技术,以及各项技术与车联网功能之间的关系。 In the field of Internet of Things in full swing today, car networking as a typical application of Internet of things, has attracted more and more attention. The realization of car networking will bring about tremendous changes in society and life. However, the technology for realizing car networking is not fully available at present. Based on the present situation of car networking, this paper introduces various key technologies needed to achieve car networking and the relationship between various technologies and car networking functions.
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