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“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”是我国安全生产的基本方针,作为预测、预防事故重要手段的安全评价,在贯彻安全生产方针中有着十分重要的作用,通过安全评价可确认生产经营单位是否具备了安全生产条件,将有效提高工程安全设计的质量和投产后的安全可靠程度,使生产经营单位不仅了解可能存在的危险性,而且明确如何改进安全状况,同时也为安监部门了解生产经营单位安全生产现状、实施宏观控制提供基础资料。2002年颁布的《安全生产法》第二十五条明确规定,矿山建设项目和用于生产、储存危险物品的建设项目,应当分别按照国家有关规 “Safety First, Prevention First, Comprehensive Management” is the basic principle of safety production in our country. As a safety assessment of important means of forecasting and preventing accidents, it plays a very important role in implementing the safety production guideline and can be confirmed through safety evaluation Whether the production and business operation units have the safe production conditions will effectively improve the quality of the project safety design and the safety and reliability after the project is put into operation so that the production and business operation units can not only understand the possible dangers but also clarify how to improve the safety conditions and also provide safety supervision The department understands the status of safety production in production and operation units and provides basic information for implementing macro control. Article 25 of the “Law on Safety Production” promulgated in 2002 clearly stipulated that the construction projects of mines and the construction projects for the production and storage of dangerous goods shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State
在对S195型柴油机进行检测调试过程中,发现不少机手采用减压的方法来迫使柴油机熄火,要知道,这样会对柴油机带来很多害处。 柴油机工作时,由于发动机的惯性,打开减压手柄后,
在孩子们画出第一幅涂鸦之前,他们就已经开始学习书面交流了,你相信吗? 下面的方法帮助不同年龄的孩子学习写作。 Before the kids draw the first scribble, they’ve star
地上有个小水洼儿,眼瞧着孩子就要踩上去。这时,妈妈往往大喝一声:“一站住!”不过,这种可斥有时并不管事。究竟是不够严厉呢,还是严厉过头了呢? 早在六十年代,苏联心理学家
由于外界诸多不安全因素,我从来未产生过让才5岁半的儿子一个人外出的念头。 有一次,我和儿子逛商场。他提出不愿和我一道看衣服,而想去看玩具。于是,我俩约定,他独自在玩具