The important role of humanistic feelings in documentary photography

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  【abstract】When talking about the relationship with humanistic care,Gu zheng said:Whether it is a professional photographer or an amateur photographer,you should think about the reality of the so-called "humanistic care" from the standpoint of facing reality.Meaning,humanistic care needs to be implemented in reality to be humanistic care.Since its birth,documentary photography has been a witness to society,making unremitting efforts for the return of human dignity,existence,and humanity.It uses images to solidify history and provide reliable literature for society.Looking at the history of documentary photography,it is not difficult to see the importance of the humanistic feelings that images show.For the question of humanistic care in photography,it can be seen historically from the perspective of the change in the relationship between the photographer and the subject.Perhaps some clues can be found that can help to think about the relationship between photography and human care.
  【Key words】:humanistic feelings;documentary photography;human care
  One:Interpreting the different meanings of humanistic feelings from the relationship between the photographer and the shooting group.
  Humanistic care is of course an ideal that sounds sublime,but in the specific photography practice,how do photographers face their various problems in reality to express their own deep humanistic care,In the relationship between the photographer and the shooting group,it is not difficult to find the humanistic thoughts embodied in different situations of the relationship.Correctly facing the relationship with the photographer and the shooting group can also reflect on the problems that arise when observing and recording the life of the object,and correctly interpret the social value and meaning brought by the image.
  Two:the typicality of the subject
  Selecting a subject with a typical image,only when the distinctive personality reflects a certain social life essence and law,the image is typical and can be widely recognized and accepted by the viewer,thus causing emotional resonance.The identity,class,character,behavior,state of life,etc.The choice of subject matter also has the depth of the topic,and further explains the photographer's humanitarian spirit.Expressing human beauty and labor beauty,thus making documentary photography more perfect,humanistic feelings are the humanistic feelings that photographers should uphold is the belief that people have always adhered to.People-oriented reflects the times and people's lives and pays attention to people's livelihood.It is the literati for human progress and social development.The pursuit of spiritual and civilized humanistic feelings.With the continuous enrichment of social values,the development of photography concepts has become increasingly mature,and the humanistic care behind the documentary photography has become the trend of photographers.   Three:The photographer must have humanistic feelings
  A strong human heart is an important source of documentary photography.A good artist not only has to have profound knowledge,but also has the ability to have keen insight and creativity.Since her small living environment,she has a strong interest in these subjects.She believes that he is collecting traces of human life that she can't photograph,and people can't see it.She photographed the object of “taboo”,but it is also the objective existence of social life.His photographs respect the marginalized people who are insulted and discriminated against.Hou Dengke said:"Photographing,a tool that invades people,how does it explain the position and dignity of personality in front of it? The reason why I did not take pictures of those scenes,I am afraid that I am also lost in this violation.His own dignity." Take the "person" in front of the camera on the premise of mutual respect.Only the real feelings,the real heart to discover,the things that are photographed have temperature,feelings!
  Compared with the motives of other photography,documentary photography with humanistic feelings can use photography to explain problems,explore problems,solve problems,and promote the progress of social reform.
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1.1 The Origin and Historical Background of Pop Art  After the end of the Second World War, Western countries experiencing war recuperated, commercial industries and economic conditions gradually reco
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摘 要:内科学是临床各学科的基础课程,是医学生进入临床之前的必修课程,是培养医学本科生基础知识、基本技能、临床思维等全方面综合能力的关键时期,具有承前启后的重要作用。鉴于医学临床学科的难度较大,传统的课堂讲授只是单纯地教师灌输型讲课,学生完全处于一种被动接受的学习状态,学生根本无法融入课堂,教学效果不佳,不利于医学生综合素质的培养。因此,在内课教学中,要根据学生的基础知识水平及各学科的特点,积极创
摘 要:小学数学教育与信息技术整合是目前教学的整体趋势,借助信息技术的优势性更好的辅助小学数学,这在很大程度上可以改善目前课堂教学的现状,而且能够提升学生的学习的积极性,但是在资源整合过程中还存在诸多的弊端和问题,导致小学数学教学效果差强人意,文章将针对于此展开全面的论述分析,在此基础上提出更恰当的改进方案,从根本上推动小学数学教育能够实现质的突破。  关键词:小学数学教育;信息技术;资源整合;问