Extremely regular periodic surface structures in a large area efficiently induced on silicon by temp

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:paltx3
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Femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) have several applications in surface structuring and functionalization. Three major challenges exist in the fabrication of regular and uniform LIPSS: enhancing the periodic energy deposition, reducing the residual heat, and avoiding the deposited debris. Herein, we fabricate an extremely regular low-spatial-frequency LIPSS (LSFL) on a silicon surface by a temporally shaped femtosecond laser. Based on a 4f configuration zero-dispersion pulse shaping system, a Fourier transform limit (FTL) pulse is shaped into a pulse train with varying intervals in the range of 0.25–16.2 ps using periodic π-phase step modulation. Under the irradiation of the shaped pulse with an interval of 16.2 ps, extremely regular LSFLs are efficiently fabricated on silicon. The scan velocity for fabricating regular LSFL is 2.3 times faster, while the LSFL depth is 2 times deeper, and the diffraction efficiency is 3 times higher than those of LSFL using the FTL pulse. The formation mechanisms of regular LSFL have been studied experimentally and theoretically. The results show that the temporally shaped pulse enhances the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons and the periodic energy deposition while reducing the residual thermal effects and avoiding the deposition of the ejected debris, eventually resulting in regular and deeper LSFL on the silicon surface.
对掺铁铌酸锂晶体在高功率超短脉冲激光照射下的光折变指数进行半定量的理论计算并实验验证。由理论计算得出在高功率超短脉冲激光(0.33 mJ,10 ps,527 nm)作用下,掺铁铌酸锂晶体的折射率指数变化量达到10-4量级,在几个纳秒的弛豫时间后降低到10-5量级。实验采用同样的超短脉冲平顶激光,经过空间整形,形成空间强度分布为直角三角形的激光光束,照射掺铁铌酸锂晶体发生光折变,产生直角棱镜,使得经过瞬时光折变棱镜的1053 nm脉冲信号光发生偏转,根据偏转的角度计算出的折射率指数减小量为10-5量级,理论
提出一种利用饱和增益半导体光放大器(SOA)自增益调制效应抑制光电振荡器(OEO)相位噪声的方案。此方案将SOA置于光电振荡环路中,通过调节光衰减器及SOA的驱动电流使SOA工作在饱和增益状态,利用自增益调制效应抑制调制光信号的部分幅度噪声,提高环路的噪信比,从而降低产生微波信号的相位噪声。对OEO相位噪声的组成及SOA抑制幅度噪声的原理进行理论分析和实验验证,实验结果表明:在腔长为5 km的单环结构OEO中加入饱和工作状态的SOA,在0.1 kHz下产生的10 GHz微波信号近端相位噪声为-84.5 d
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For the development of mid-infrared fiber-optical elements, one needs light-stable, flexible materials that are transparent within this spectral band. Solid solutions of silver and monadic thallium halides prove to be the most suitable crystalline media f
介绍了对一台脉冲线加速器驱动虚火花放电装置产生的电子束发射度的测量工作。在十隙虚火花放电室中充以15Pa的氮气,产生能量为约200 keV、束流2000 A、直径为1 mm的高亮度电子束。在距阳极5 cm处测得电子束的均方根发射度εrms≈48 mm·mrad, 规一化发射度εn≈47 mm·mrad。
激光焊接是激光加工技术发展较快的领城之一,焊接要求的辐射强度为105~107 W/cm2。激光精密焊接属于熔化焊接。由于激光很容易用反射镜或棱镜来改变光路,所以可在工件的任意位置上焊接。按激光器运转方式,可分为脉冲激光焊接和连续激光焊接两大类。大功率激光焊接属于连续焊接。激光焊接的材料包括 铝合金、钛合金、铬镍合金、铂银合全、铜合金低碳钢、不锈钢、各种热敏材料以及不同种类的材料等。与电子束、等离子焊接相比,激光焊接具有熔池净化效应,能纯净焊缝金属,焊缝的机械性能相当于或优于母材,这在质量上是个突破。美、英