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教高[2006]4号各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅(教委)、安全生产监督管理局、发改委(经委、煤炭管理部门).财政厅(局)。新疆生产建设兵团教育局,安全生产监督管理局、发改委、财政局,各省级煤矿安全监察机构:为促进煤炭工业全面、协调、可持续发展,根据《国务院关于促进煤炭工业健康发展的若干意见》(国发[2005]18号),教育部、国家安全生产监督管理总局、国家发展和改革委员会、财政部就加强煤矿专业人才培养工作,提出如下意见:一.明确指导思想和目标任务(一)指导思想:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面落实科学发展观,坚持以人为本,调动各方面积极性,大力培养各级各类煤矿专业人才,促进煤炭行业职工队伍素质提高,为煤炭工业的安全生产和可持续发展提供人才支撑。(二)目标任务:适应煤炭工业当前和长远发展的需求,以煤矿专业人才和生产一线急需的技能型人才为重点,采取有力措施,加强人才培养工作,不断提高人才培养质量,建立煤矿专业人才引进使用的有效机制,使煤矿拥有的专业人才数量基本满足煤炭工业发展的需要。 Education High School [2006] No. 4 Education Department (Education Commission), Work Safety Supervision and Administration Commission, Development and Reform Commission (Economic Commission, Coal Administration Department) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Education Bureau, Production Safety Supervision and Administration Commission, Development and Reform Commission, Finance Bureau and provincial coal mine safety supervision agencies: In order to promote the coal industry’s overall, coordinated and sustainable development, according to the State Council’s Opinions on Promoting the Sound Development of Coal Industry (Guo Fa [2005] No. 18), the Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Work Safety, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance to strengthen the training of coal mine professionals, put forward the following opinions: First, a clear guiding ideology and objectives and tasks Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents,” we should fully implement the scientific concept of development, adhere to the people-oriented principle, mobilize the enthusiasm of all quarters, vigorously train various types of coal mine professionals at all levels and promote the workforce in the coal industry Improve the quality of coal industry for the safe production and sustainable development to provide personnel support. (II) Objectives and Tasks: To meet the current and long-term development needs of the coal industry, focus on coal mine professionals and the production of much-needed skilled personnel, and take effective measures to strengthen personnel training so as to continuously improve the quality of personnel training and establish coal mine professionals The introduction of an effective mechanism to use, so that the number of coal mine professionals to meet the basic needs of the coal industry.
云南石梓,马鞭草科,学名GmeIina aborea。生长迅速,干形通直,抗虫性强,材质较好;在本岛种源缺乏。而海南石梓在生长速度,干形及抗虫能力(抗石梓金花虫及金龟子为害)均比云南
他年仅17岁,却已收获很多奖项和荣誉。  他说要坚持追梦,既会刻苦训练,也会注意保护好自己。  他从邻家的矮墙出发一路向上,剑指2020年东京奥运舞台。  他是攀岩少年陈勇辰。  · 邂 逅 ·  陈勇辰生长在浙江省台州市仙居县的一个小镇里。他的家境不是太好,父母常年在外打工。跟大部分留守儿童一样,陈勇辰的童年里没有昂贵的玩具和高大上的才艺班,他只是赤着脚跟小伙伴在田野里疯玩,却因此练就了一副好身