China's Industrialization and Reductionof Greenhouse Emissions1

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Over the past two decades, the size of the Chinese economy has more than quadrupled andthe energy consumption more than doubled. The drive for further industrialization over thenext two decades will continue the trend on a much larger scale. The net increase in emissionsfrom 1990 to 2001 amounted to 823 million tons of CO2, accounting for 27 percent of theworlds total. Energy supply and security constitute key constraints to industrialization and,therefore, the mitigation of emissions can in fact contribute to the achievement of developmentgoals. Many actions can be taken to balance industrialization and reduction of emissions.As a large and rapidly growing market, China shares many opportunities with Europeanpartners for business cooperation and joint efforts for the reduction of emissions throughclean development mechanisms and other bilateral initiatives. Over the past two decades, the size of the Chinese economy has more than quadrupled and the energy consumption more than doubled. The drive for further industrialization over thenext two decades will continue the trend on a much larger scale. The net increase in emissions from 1990 to 2001 To 823 million tons of CO2, accounting for 27 percent of the worlds total. Energy supply and security to key constraints to industrialization and, therefore, the mitigation of emissions can in fact contribute to the achievement of developmentgoals. Many actions can be taken to balance industrialization and reduction of emissions. As a large and rapidly growing market, China shares many opportunities with Europeanpartners for business cooperation and joint efforts for the reduction of emissions throughclean development mechanisms and other bilateral initiatives.
农三师前进水库管理处位于塔克拉玛干沙漠西缘,距麦盖提县城15公里,兴建于1966年,最大设计库容量9500万立方米。 前进水库放水渠全长105公里,最大流量每秒13立方米,灌溉面积2