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最近,河南省洛阳市司法局和市政法委、公安局联合发出通知,要求在各县(市、区)建立刑满释放、解除劳教人员帮教网络,落实接茬帮教和就业安置工作。通知规定:一、建立组织机构。各县(市、区)政法委、公安(分)局、司法局各抽一名领导组成接茬帮教、就业安置领导小组,由政法委牵头,公安、司法机关负责具体工作;各县(市、区)司法局要在现有干部编制内,抽出专人负责此项工作;公安派出所、司法所要把接茬帮教、就业安置工作列入全年工作计划,任务落实到具体责任人,实行目标管理,认真抓好落实。二、具体工作要求:(1)今后市属监狱、劳教场所释放、解教人员,必须在释放、解教前一个月内填写《犯人刑满通知书》、《劳教人员期满通知书》和《接茬帮教责任书》的前两部分内容,以信函通知县(市、区)司法局。(2)监狱、劳教场所在办理释放解教人员手续 Recently, Luoyang Municipal Bureau of Justice and Municipal Political Science Commission and Public Security Bureau of Henan Province jointly issued a circular calling for the establishment of the release of prisoners’ liberation in all counties (cities and districts), the removal of the help-and-education network for reeducation-through-labor workers and the implementation of the follow-up and help-and-education and employment placement. Notice provisions: First, the establishment of organizational structure. Each county (city, district) Political and Law Committee, Public Security (sub) Bureau, Bureau of Justice each pumping a leadership composition to take care of teaching, placement and employment leading group, led by the Political and Law Committee, public security and judicial organs responsible for specific work; counties (cities, Autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should draw out special personnel to take charge of this work within the existing cadre establishment. The police station and judicial departments should put the work of continuing education and employment and resettlement into the annual work plan, carry out the tasks to the specific responsible persons, implement the goal management and earnestly Do a good job. Second, the specific job requirements: (1) in the future municipal prisons, remand places to release, solve the teaching staff, must be released within a month before the completion of the “Fined for Punishment Notice”, “Reeducation Society period expired notice” and “Consepts help teach responsibility book” the first two parts, by letter to the county (city, district) Bureau of Justice. (2) Prisons and re-education camps will handle the procedures for releasing the ex-relief officers
<正> "中国律师课程培训班"的开学,是一件很有意义的事情。在此,我仅以本人的名义,并代表中华人民共和国司法部,对培训班的开学表示祝贺,对全体学员对大陆法制建设的热忱、对律师事业的关心表示感谢!对所有为培训班的开办付出辛劳的朋友们,特别是树仁学院校长钟期荣博士、中国人民大学法学院曾宪义教授表示感谢!众所周知,中国大陆自1979年实行改革开放的政策以来,经过15年的发展,在各个方面都取得了举世瞩目的成就。社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,对律师工作提出了新的更高的要求。"中国律师课程培训班"就