
来源 :西北植物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangmajun
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本文用八倍体小黑麦与普通小麦进行正反交。用GiemsaC-带技术对亲本及杂种F_1的体细胞染色体进行了分析,并研究了它们的性状。结果表明体细胞染色体组成与植株性状有密切的关系;并发现八倍体小黑麦的染色体数目不稳定,有自然减小的趋势。同时,用GiemsaC-带技术研究了八倍体小黑麦及F_1杂种花粉母细胞的减数分裂行为。表明:减数分裂不规则是八倍体小黑麦结实率低、籽粒皱缩的重要原因之一;F_1杂种后代的中期染色体基本构型为21Ⅱ+7Ⅰ,减数分裂更加的不规则,但通过分离和重组,可产生各种类型的配子,从后代中可选出稳定、高产的重组品系,对改进八倍体小黑麦的不良性状有重要的意义。 In this paper, octoploid Tritree and common wheat reciprocal reciprocal. The somatic chromosomes of F1 and F1 hybrids were analyzed by Giemsa C-banding technique and their traits were studied. The results showed that somatic cell chromosome composition and plant traits are closely related; and found that the number of octagonal triticale chromosome instability, a natural decrease. At the same time, the meiosis behavior of octagonal triticale and F_1 hybrid pollen mother cells was studied by Giemsa C-banding technique. The results showed that the meiosis irregularity was one of the important reasons for low trituration rate and trituration of grain in twentyploid triticale. The middle-stage chromosome configuration of F1 progeny was 21Ⅱ + 7Ⅰ, and the meiosis was more irregular. However, And recombination, can produce various types of gametes, the selection of stable, high-yielding recombinant lines from offspring is of great significance for improving the bad traits of octapeptide triticale.