Preparation of High-Purity Flavonoids from Ginkgo biloba L.

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[Objective] To prepare highly purified flavonoids of Ginkgo biloba L., so as to explore a large-scale preparation process route for high purity flavonoids from Ginkgo biloba L.. [Method] Purified with chromatographic column with packing of ODS, effects of mobile phase ratio, concentration temperature and drying temperature on yield of flavonoids from Ginkgo biloba L. were investigated. [Result] The optimum preparation conditions were as follows: target fraction of methanol to 0.5% phosphoric acid ratio of 5∶5 and 7∶ 3, concentration temperature and drying temperature of 45 ℃. The content of flavonoids from Ginkgo biloba L. was more than 90%, and the yield was up to 78.3% under the optimal preparation process. [Conclusion] High-purity flavonoids from Ginkgo biloba L. are obtained, which provides an effective means for the preparation of highly purified Ginkgo biloba L. flavonoids. [Objective] To prepare highly purified flavonoids of Ginkgo biloba L., so as to explore a large-scale preparation process route for high purity flavonoids from Ginkgo biloba L .. [Method] Purified with chromatographic column with packing of ODS, effects of mobile phase ratio, concentration temperature and drying temperature on yield of flavonoids from Ginkgo biloba L. were investigated. [Result] The optimum preparation conditions were as follows: target fraction of methanol to 0.5% phosphoric acid ratio of 5: 5 and 7: 3, Concentration temperature and drying temperature of 45 ° C. The content of flavonoids from Ginkgo biloba L. was more than 90%, and the yield was up to 78.3% under the optimal preparation process. are obtained, which provides an effective means for the preparation of highly purified Ginkgo biloba L. flavonoids.
我画的机器人长得很古怪,可它是我们未来生活的好帮手。它身上有很多手,本领可大了。在家里,它能帮我们扫地、擦(cā)桌子,还能帮我们叠(dié)被子,整理床上物品等。在外面,机器人能代我们购物,还能带老人、小朋友,以及盲人过马路。总之,在未来的生活中,机器人对人类的帮助无处不在,它甚至还能担任医生、司机等各种各样的职(zhí)务。  (指导老师:李艳艳)
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