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<正> 点隙窝沟是釉质的缺陷,是牙齿上易于患龋的薄弱环节。处理窝沟龋的经典作法,是G.V.Black的预防性扩展,另一种方法则是Hyatt的预防性牙体手术和Bodecker的窝沟切除法。封
A novel strategy to enhance the expression eHiciency of cloned target gene in Escher&hia colt was developed. The whole expression cartridge, consisting of promo
Objective. To improve clinical knowledge of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Methods. Eight patients with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome from 1984 to 1998 in our hospital were r
Objective. To evaluate the diagnosis and treatment for malignant gestational trophoblastie tumor (MGTT) with pulmonary metastasis complicated with pulmonary tub
The vagus is a mixed nerve containing cholinerrgic and non-cholinergie neurons. Vagal fibers interact with peptidergic neurons of the enteric nervous system whi
Turner's syndrome (TS) is a relatively common chromosome disorder caused by complete or partial X monosomy in some or all cells.
Objective. To investigate the unique characteristics and treatment of thoracic spine fractures.Methods. Severty-seven patients with thoracic spine fractures wer
Objective. To introduce the properties of Chinese type A botulinum toxin (CBTXA, made by Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products), and its long-term effect for