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“昔之善战者,先为不可胜,以待敌之可胜。不可胜在己,可胜在敌。”《孙子兵法·形篇》意思是:古时候,善于用兵打仗的人,总是先创造条件,使自己不被敌人战胜,然后等待和寻求敌人可能被我战胜的时机。使自己不可被敌战胜,主动权完全掌握在自己手中;敌人可能被战胜。只有保存自己,才能有机会战胜敌人。二次世界大战中人类历史上第一次空中大决战——不列颠空战,当时德国空军在兵力上占有很大优势。而英国在海峡对面,飞机数量仅及德国军队的一半,处于劣势。由于双方力量优劣明显,英国人一开始便十分清楚自己的处境十分不利。为了能最终取得胜利,他们采取了积极防御的态势,而将进攻的主动权让给了德国空军。采取这种方针,是为了集中自己有限的兵力,在优势的敌人面前以退为进,争取时间,求得战场上各种条件向有利于自己的方向转化,以期夺得最后的胜利。英军采取的防御作战,并不等于消极的被动抵抗,而是在自身取胜条件不足的情况下,先顶住敌人的进攻,立于不败之地,再进而创造战胜敌人的条件。史无前例的不列颠空战,最终以纳粹德国的失败而结束。英国终于顶住了希特勒的疯狂进攻,渡过了第二次世界大战最艰难的阶段,迫使德国不得不进行持久战,这成为第二次世界大战欧洲战场的转折点,英国也因此成为殴洲抵抗运动的中心。 “The warriors of the past, the first to be unbeatable, to be the enemy of the victory .Victory can not be overcome, the enemy can win. ” “The Art of War” shaped article "means: in ancient times, good at fighting the people, Always create conditions so that you are not defeated by the enemy and then wait and see if the enemy may be defeated by me. So that they can not be defeated by the enemy, the initiative is fully in their own hands; the enemy may be defeated. Only by saving yourself can you have the opportunity to defeat the enemy. World War II in human history, the first large air battle - the British air war, when the German Air Force in military strength has a great advantage. The British across the Strait, the number of aircraft and the German military half, at a disadvantage. Because of the obvious superiority and inferiority of both sides, the British were very aware of their very unfavorable situation from the very beginning. In order to finally win, they took a positive defensive posture and gave the German Air Force the offensive initiative. This approach was adopted in order to concentrate our limited troops, take retreat in the face of the superior enemy, strive for time, and seek the transformation of various conditions on the battlefield in a direction conducive to their own interests in order to win the final victory. The defensive operations taken by the British Army do not mean passive passive resistance. Instead, they are able to withstand the enemy’s offensive and remain invincible under the conditions of their own lack of victory and then create the conditions for defeating the enemy. The unprecedented Battle of Great Britain ended with the failure of Nazi Germany. The United Kingdom finally put up with Hitler’s frenzied offensive and passed the most difficult stage of World War II, forcing Germany to have to endure protracted war. This became the turning point in the European battlefield of World War II and Britain became therefore a belligerent resistance Movement center.
一、鄱阳湖生态经济区项目融资问题调研  2011年2月15日,江西省发改委下发《鄱阳湖生态经济区重大产业及生态工程招商项目册》,将在鄱阳湖生态经济区内建设产业项目699个,总投资额达到8137.36亿元。699个招商项目囊括了重大基础设施、光电产业、新能源、精深铜加工产业、汽车制造及其零配件产业、电子信息产业等16个重大产业及有关生态工程,它们的大力实施将极大的推动着鄱阳湖生态经济区的建设。  鄱