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埃里克森(Arthur Erickson)1942年出生于加拿大的温哥华,曾就读于大不列颠哥伦比亚大学和马格尔大学.1954年开始了他的建筑创作生涯,同时担任了奥理根大学和大不列颠哥伦比亚大学的教授,而且还是国内外数所名牌大学的客座教授.1971年他获日本建筑师协会金奖,人类贡献奖;1974年获国际建协金奖;1984年获加拿大皇家建筑师协会金奖、法兰西建筑科学院金奖,以及美国建筑师协会金奖.埃里克森从50年代就开始了他的建筑实践,但直到在1963年他完成了西蒙·弗雷斯大学的校园设计时,才引起了国际建筑界的注意.在已往的大学校园中,各院系都是相对独立的,而埃里克森则提供了另外一种校园模式.埃里克森认为,知识是相互联系的,知识的获得和发展来自于相互之间的交流,新的大学应该是学习的社区.他发现,以前的大学里,各个院、系的建筑中有相同的组成部分:教室、图书馆、办公室等,而这些都可以分成几个最基本的组成部分,然后重新组合,这样可以使设备得到充分的利用.还可 Arthur Erickson was born in Vancouver, Canada, in 1942. He studied at the University of British Columbia and the University of Magellan. He began his architectural career in 1954, and served as both the University of Oregon and the University of British Columbia. Professor, also a visiting professor at several prestigious universities at home and abroad. In 1971 he won the Gold Award of the Japan Institute of Architects and the Human Contribution Award. He won the Gold Medal of the International Association of Architects in 1974. He won the Gold Award from the Royal Canadian Institute of Architects in 1984 and the French Academy of Architecture , and the American Institute of Architects Gold Award. Erickson began his architectural practice in the 50’s, but it was not until the completion of the campus design of Simon Fraser University in 1963 that it attracted the attention of the international architectural community. In the past university campuses, the departments and schools are relatively independent, and Eriksson provides another campus model. Eriksson believes that knowledge is interrelated, knowledge acquisition and development come from For mutual exchanges, the new university should be a community for learning. He found that in previous universities, the buildings of various colleges and departments had the same components: classrooms, Libraries, offices, etc., and these can be divided into several basic part, and then reassembled, so that the apparatus can be fully utilized. Also