推进法治化 服务现代化——新世纪初全省司法行政工作的一次盛会

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2001年2月9日至10日,新世纪第一次全省司法行政工作会议在南京召开。这是新年全省司法行政系统的第一次盛会,也是“十五”开局的一次重要会议。在古南都会议现场,无论是省委曹克明副书记振奋人心的讲话、省厅张苏军厅长具有理论高度又求真务实的工作报告,还是各级司法局领导联系具体工作踊跃热烈的讨论发言,从大会报告到小组座谈,所有的目光都集中在同一个焦点上——江苏司法行政系统应如何面对充满希望与挑战地1世纪?这是一个动员会,让与会的近200名代表又一次振奋精神,统一了认识,明确了目标俞任务。在全面总结2000年及“九五”期间全省司法行政工作情况基础上,再一次明确:以依法治国方略为总揽,是司法行政工作推进国家法制建设的本质要求;以服务大局,  维护稳定为首任,是司法行政机关的性质,只能所决定的,是把司法行政工作提高到新水平的关键,发展是司法行政工作永恒的主题,改革是破题的关键,是加快发展的动力源泉,加强基层基础建设,是事关司法行政事业长远发展的根本所在,希望所在,提高队伍素质,是做好司法行政工作的重要保证。并再次动员全省司法行政干警和广大法律工作者保持求真务实,团结奋进的精神,资源服务于,服从于江苏现代化建设事业,努力开创新世纪初全省司法行政工作的新局面。这又是一次探索的会,用过交流于讨论,各级领导对“十五”司法行政事业的发展目标有了更好的认识与把握。 February 9 to February 10, 2001 The first provincial conference on judicial administration in the new century was held in Nanjing. This is the first grand occasion of the new year’s judicial administrative system in the province and an important meeting for the start of the “15th”. At the meeting of the ancient southern metropolis, whether it is the encouraging speech of deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee Cao Keming, the director Zhang Sujun of the provincial government department has a theoretical highly pragmatic work report or an active and enthusiastic discussion speech made by leaders of all levels of judicial bureaus, From the report of the conference to the group discussion, all eyes are on the same focus - How should the judicial administrative system in Jiangsu face the first century of hope and challenge? This is a mobilization meeting, bringing the nearly 200 delegates attending the conference a second time Inspired, unified understanding, defined the mission of Yu. On the basis of comprehensively summarizing the work on judicial administration throughout the province in 2000 and 1995, it is clear once again that taking the strategy of governing the country according to law as the general rule is the essential requirement for judicial administrative work to promote the construction of state legal system; in the service of the overall situation, Stability is the first one. It is the nature of the judicial administrative organ. It can only be decided. It is the key to elevating the judicial administration to a new level. Development is the eternal theme of judicial administration. Reform is the key to breaking the theme and the source of power for accelerating development. It is an important guarantee for the judicial administrative work to strengthen the fundamental infrastructure at the grassroots level, which is the fundamental matter for the long-term development of the administration of justice and the hope and improving the quality of the team. And once again mobilize the entire province’s judicial administration officers and the general legal workers to maintain the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, forging ahead in unity, serving resources and subjecting themselves to the cause of Jiangsu’s modernization and making efforts to create a new situation in the province’s judicial administration at the beginning of the new century. This is another meeting for exploration. It has been used to discuss exchanges and leaders at all levels have a better understanding and grasp of the development goals of the “15” administration of justice.
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