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暑假,咔叽布带李晓奇、哆来咪来到他的老家。这是一个只住着十几户人家的小山村,村后是一片密林。村里祖祖辈辈有个规矩,村民天黑后不准进密林,否则可能家破人亡。可是,有一户人家例外,这家现在的当家人叫卞卡因。他能在夜间出入密林,每次都带回或多或少的猎物。卞卡因打猎与众不同,除了麻袋,不带其他工具,且只抓野兔。他常常晚上进密林,第二天早上带回一些野兔。不过,别人也只能干羡慕,因为卞卡因的本领是家传的。听村里的老 Summer vacation, Kaki cloth with Li Xiaoqi, Doraemon came to his hometown. This is a small village where only a dozen families live. The village is a jungle. Ancestors in the village have a rule, the villagers are not allowed into the dark after dark, or may be broken home. However, there is one household exception, this family now called Biancaine. He can enter and leave the jungle at night, bringing back more or less prey each time. Bianca hunting unique, except sacks, without other tools, and only hare. He often enters the jungle at night and brings back some hares the next morning. However, others can only envy, because Biancaine’s skills are family traditions. Listen to the village’s old
Under a research project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Prof.He Lin,researcher of Beijing Normal University and colleagues obtained
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
目的:探讨肺血栓栓塞症 (PE)的临床特征及早期确诊手段。 方法 :分析 38例经临床确诊的 PE患者的临床表现、心电图、胸部 X线 (CT)、肺动脉造影结果。结果:38例中胸痛 33例 ,
这学期,我们中队的干部要进行轮换,辅 导员通知我们过两天要选举,让有志于为中队服 务的队员毛遂自荐,先进行竞选演讲,然后再选举 This semester, our squadron of cadres t