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1960年将是国民经济持续跃进的一年,我市工农业生产和各项事业都将有很大的跃进,为了适应这个新形势,就要求我们及早安排1960年度预算。要把预算安排好,我们应当坚持政治挂帅,大搞群众运动,把总预算的编制工作由过去财政部门单独进行,改变为由主管部门及广大职工共同进行;由过去等待上级分配指标,改变为根据国民经济跃进的要求主动安排预算,使预算生产财务计划密切结合起来。这样,既发挥了各主管部门和广大群众理财的积极性,也发挥了财政预算部门的主观能动性,使预算安排有了广泛的群众基础,能更好地促进生产建设事业的高速度发展。 The year 1960 will be the year when the national economy will continue to leap in. The industrial and agricultural production and various undertakings of our city will make great leaps forward. In order to adapt to this new situation, we are required to arrange the budget for the year 1960 as early as possible. To make the budget well arranged, we should insist on putting politics to a close and vigorously engage in the mass movement. We should make the preparation of the overall budget separate from the previous financial departments and change them to be carried out jointly by the competent departments and the broad masses of workers and staff members. In the past, According to the requirements of the national economic leap forward initiative to arrange the budget, budget production and financial plans are closely linked. In this way, not only the enthusiasm of various authorities and the general public’s financial management has been demonstrated, but the subjective initiative of the budget and budget departments has also been exerted, the budget has been extensively popularized, and the rapid development of production and construction can be further promoted.
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<正> 清代宗族组织是宋明以来宗族组织的自然延伸。它以“联宗收族”相标榜,以族产、族祠、族谱及在此基础上形成的族权为保证,将同一祖先名下的男性子孙及其配偶联结在一起形成半独立的社会组织。这种组织在清代得到进一步发展,势力进一步膨胀,对社会政治、经济、文化诸方面均有深刻影响。其发展乃至膨胀的状况如何,原因何在,学术界尚无详论,本文拟对此作一探析,以求正于方家。