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女性主义讲求的是维护女性权益,使得社会发展趋势趋向于男女平等,女性主义的发展历史较长,各个时期都有女性群体为维护女性的利益而做出贡献,这为女性主义以及女性权利被现代认可奠定了基础。在现代发展中逐渐被重视的就是女性主义法学这一概念,其使用范围较广,对于女性的维护加大,使得女性发展受到的阻碍减少,其主要体现的方向就是就业方面,平等就业权的出现使得女性主义法学的渗透度增大,使得女性权益的实施实际化。在现代发展中重视女性主义是发展的必然趋势,需对女性主义法学视角下的平等就业权进行思考。 Feminism emphasizes the protection of the rights and interests of women, making the trend of social development tend to equality between men and women, feminism has a long history of development, and women groups have contributed to the protection of women’s interests in all periods. This is a feminist and women’s right Modern recognition laid the foundation. The concept of feminist jurisprudence, which has gradually been taken seriously in the modern development, has a wider scope of application. As the maintenance of women is increased, the obstacles to the development of women are lessened. The main directions reflected in this are employment, equal employment rights The emergence of feminist jurisprudence has increased the penetration, making women’s rights and interests of the actual implementation. Emphasis on feminism in modern development is the inevitable trend of development, and the equal employment right needs to be considered from the perspective of feminist jurisprudence.
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