依靠科技进步 逐步完善运输收入管理电算化

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计算机是现代科技的产物,其集系统论、控制论、应用论于一身,为各行各业插上现代化的翅膀,极大地提高了劳动生产率和管理质量。柳州分局收入检查室自1985年以来运用电子计算机进行运输收入管理,使收入管理由一个台阶上到另一个台阶,渐近到了一个全新的阶段。本文仅谈谈我室发展计算机应用于运输收入管理的几点感受、做法、建议和展望。一、传统的管理模式不适应发展的要求运输收入管理工作的特点是点多线长,原始凭证多、项目繁杂、业务范围广,从高度分散到高度集中。多少年来均采用传统的手工操作进行管理,就柳州分局来说,管内125个车站及四条地铁支线,每年200多万张客货票据要进行连号、加算、分项、审核、汇总等各项工作,并须及时正确地编制会计报表和数十种台帐资料。尽管分局收入检查室有专业人员30多人,仍然要加班加点,而且票据的审核量最多也只能达到40%。由于票据不能及时全部地进行审核和处理,使铁路的正当运营收入和发收货人的正当权益受到影响。随着社 Computer is a product of modern science and technology. It combines systematic theory, cybernetics and application theory into a modern one for all walks of life, greatly improving labor productivity and management quality. Liuzhou Branch Office of Inspector of Income since 1985, the use of electronic computer transport revenue management, revenue management from one level to another level, asymptotically to a whole new stage. This article only talk about my room to develop computer applications in transport revenue management experience, practices, recommendations and prospects. First, the traditional management model does not meet the requirements of development Transport revenue management is characterized by multi-point long, the original vouchers, complex projects, a wide range of business, from highly dispersed to highly concentrated. In the past few years, all of them have been traditionally operated by hand. In Liuzhou Branch, 125 stations and four subway extensions in the pipeline and over 2 million pieces of passenger and freight bills each year are required to carry out serial numbers, additions, sub-items, reviews and summaries Work, and timely and correctly prepared accounting statements and dozens of accounting information. Although there are more than 30 professionals in the branch’s income examination room, they still have to work overtime, and the examination of bills can only reach up to 40%. As the bills can not be examined and dealt with promptly and completely, the legitimate operating interests of the railway and the legitimate rights and interests of the consignee will be affected. With the community
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