
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wl7644719
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Lesions of Baló ’ s concentric sclerosis are characterized by alternating l ayers of myelinated and demyelinated tissue. The reason for concentric demyelina tion in this variant of multiple sclerosis is unclear. In the present study we i nvestigated the immunopathology in autopsy tissue of 14 patients with acute mult iple sclerosis or fulminant exacerbations of chronic multiple sclerosis with Bal ó - type lesions in the CNS, focusing on the patterns of tissue injury in acti vely demyelinating lesions.We found that all active concentric lesions followed a pattern of demyelination that bears resemblance s to hypoxia- like tissue injury. This was associated with high expression of i nducible nitric oxide synthase in macrophages and microglia. At the edge of acti ve lesions and, less consistently, in the outermost layer of preserved myelin, p roteins involved in tissue preconditioning,such as hypoxia- inducible factor 1 α and heat- shock protein 70, were expressed mainly in oligodendrocytes and t o a lesser degree also in astrocytes and macrophages. Due to their neuroprotecti ve effects, the rim of periplaque tissue, where these proteins are expressed, ma y be resistant to further damage in an expanding lesion and may therefore remain as a layer of preserved myelinated tissue. Lesions of Baló’s concentric sclerosis are characterized by alternating l ayers of myelinated and demyelinated tissues. The reason for concentric demyelina tion in this variant of multiple sclerosis is unclear. In the present study we examined the immunopathology in autopsy tissue of 14 patients with acute multisple sclerosis or fulminant exacerbations of chronic multiple sclerosis with Bal ó - type lesions in the CNS, focusing on the patterns of tissue injury in acti vely demyelinating lesions. We found that all active concentric lesions followed a pattern of demyelination that bears resemblance s This is associated with high expression of i nducible nitric oxide synthase in macrophages and microglia. At the edge of acti ve lesions and, less consistently, in the outermost layer of preserved myelin, p roteins involved in tissue preconditioning , such as hypoxia-inducible factor 1 α and heat-shock protein 70, were expressed mainly in oligodendr Due to their neuroprotecti ve effects, the rim of periplaque tissue, where these proteins are expressed, ma y be resistant to further damage in an expanding lesion and may therefore remain as a layer of preserved myelinated tissue.
玛纳斯县《绿肥轮作制》课题的试验、示范基点设在头宫四队、五队,从1980年开始中间试验,1894年完成课题总结。 通过基点的试验示范,掌握和解决了草木樨的种植、田间管理、
21世纪的到来,标志着一个新的科技时代的到来,世界发展的格局与趋势的追求人才的高能力、高素质、如何培养一支高素质、高质量的跨世纪人才,是我们的当务之急。只有培养学 T