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港产影视剧在大陆已经风靡了二十多年,关于香港的住房设施,几乎所有的影视剧都给我们留下这样一种印象:有着宽敞明亮、富丽堂皇的客厅,节假日的时候可以约一堆朋友聊天打牌开Party,热闹又开心;有一个漂亮的阳台,摆上自己喜爱的花花草草,闲暇的时候倚在阳台上欣赏四周的风景,吹吹温馨的海风,实在浪漫之至;舒服惬意的卧室更是让人羡慕不已。但是在香港住了一段时间才发现这里的住宅普遍很小,相对大陆的一些高档小区而言实在是小得可怜。可能由于人多而土地资源又相对缺乏,住房历来是困扰港人的大问题,多数居民楼都建得很高,二十层以上的比比皆是。如此多的摩天大楼集中在弹丸之地,楼宇之间的距离又不大,使得很多住户根本接受不到阳光,大部分的房间也没有阳台。在香港,很多家庭只能在厕所里站着冲凉;很多蓝领外出工作只能和别人合租一间小房。香港的住房价格在全球算很贵的,前几年高档住宅房价接近每平方米十万港币。虽说亚洲金融危机使房价大缩水,现在每平方米也要差不多四五万左右。普通香港市民,大概也就买得起一套两室 Hong Kong film and television drama has swept the mainland for more than 20 years, on Hong Kong’s housing facilities, almost all of the drama have left us with the impression that: a bright and spacious, magnificent living room, when the holidays can be about Pile friends chatting and playing cards open Party, lively and happy; have a beautiful balcony, put their favorite flowers and plants, leisure time leaning on the balcony to enjoy the surrounding landscape, blowing the warm sea breeze, it is romantic; comfortable comfortable The bedroom is even more enviable. However, after living in Hong Kong for a period of time, I noticed that the houses here were generally small, which was pitifully small compared to some upscale residential areas in mainland China. Due to the large number of people and the relative lack of land resources, housing has always been a major problem that has plagued Hong Kong people. Most residential buildings are built high above 20 floors. As many skyscrapers are concentrated in the projectiles, the distance between the buildings is not large, making many households simply do not have sunshine and most of the rooms do not have balconies. In Hong Kong, many families can only show themselves in the toilet while many blue-collar workers work outside their home to share a small room with others. Hong Kong’s housing prices in the world is very expensive, a few years ago high-end residential prices close to 100,000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter. Although the financial crisis in Asia has shrunk house prices, it still needs about 40,000 or so square meters per square meter. Ordinary people in Hong Kong, probably also can afford a two-room
本文主要从抗CD20单抗、Brentuximab vedotin、苯达莫司汀等三种新药,探讨了药物治疗恶性淋巴瘤的新研究进展。
本文阐述了在Brentuximab Vedotin的Ⅰ期剂量递增研究中,共有45例复发/难治性CD30阳性的血液系统恶性肿瘤患者入组,经治疗后,患者的总体耐受性良好。随后进行的Ⅱ期临床研究中,Br
今年第二季度,上海写字楼市场继续保持供求两旺的局面,其中租赁的主要区域集中在长宁、徐汇、黄浦、浦东、卢湾、静安等中心城区。 经过2003年的复苏,上海的办公楼市场已进入