加强合作 促进发展 实现共赢——在第十八届亚太会计师大会上的主题演讲

来源 :中国注册会计师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmlsuper
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李勇会长指出,中国注册会计师行业围绕国家经济发展战略需求,特别是中国经济日益融入世界经济体系对注册会计师行业提出的新要求,坚持开放、台作、共旅的精神.以国际化发展为导向。全面建立国际趋同的执业标准体系.培养国际化的行业人才队伍,培育具有国际竞争力的事务所,开拓适应市场需求的新业务领城,建立支律行业和事务所发展的信息系统。全面提升行业服务经济社会发展的能力和水平,构建面向未来的注册会计师行业发展新格局. President Li Yong pointed out that the CPA industry in China focuses on the strategic needs of the country’s economy, especially the new requirements put on the CPA industry by China’s economy becoming increasingly integrated into the world economic system, adhering to the spirit of opening up, going to Taiwan and traveling together. . We will establish an international practice standard system for international convergence, cultivate an international talent pool, cultivate internationally competitive firms, develop new business leaders that meet the needs of the market, and establish an information system for the development of branch offices and offices. To comprehensively enhance the ability and level of economic and social development of service industry, and to build a new pattern for the future development of CPA industry.
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