Erosive Adenomatosis of the Nipple Masquerading as Paget’s Disease: A Case Report

来源 :国际皮肤性病学杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnlzh0
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Introduction::Erosive adenomatosis of the nipple is a rare benign lesion involving nipple which can be easily misdiagnosed as more ominous entities such as Pagets disease.Case presentation::A 21-year-old woman presented with a 6-year history of breast erythema involving her left nipple with tenderness and mild itching. The nipple appeared rough and thickened with areas of erosion and fissuring. Physical examination of other areas of breast as well as imaging studies including ultrasound and mammography showed no abnormalities. The histological examination reveal adiagnosis of erosive adenomatosis of nipple (EAN). The patient was treated by a simple surgical excision without complications and recurrence during 9-month follow-up.Discussion::In the early stage, it can mimic eczema, but in the later stage, more serious diagnosis such as Pagets disease should be differential. It is diagnosed by histopathological examination. Surgical excision is an optimal choice for treament with or without plastic reconstruction.Conclusion::EAN should be considered in the diagnosis of erythema and erosion lesions involving nipple. The gold standard for diagnosis is histopathological examination. A prompt and correct diagnosis of EAN can avoid both unnecessary over treatment and patients emotional stress.“,”Introduction::Erosive adenomatosis of the nipple is a rare benign lesion involving nipple which can be easily misdiagnosed as more ominous entities such as Pagets disease.Case presentation::A 21-year-old woman presented with a 6-year history of breast erythema involving her left nipple with tenderness and mild itching. The nipple appeared rough and thickened with areas of erosion and fissuring. Physical examination of other areas of breast as well as imaging studies including ultrasound and mammography showed no abnormalities. The histological examination reveal adiagnosis of erosive adenomatosis of nipple (EAN). The patient was treated by a simple surgical excision without complications and recurrence during 9-month follow-up.Discussion::In the early stage, it can mimic eczema, but in the later stage, more serious diagnosis such as Pagets disease should be differential. It is diagnosed by histopathological examination. Surgical excision is an optimal choice for treament with or without plastic reconstruction.Conclusion::EAN should be considered in the diagnosis of erythema and erosion lesions involving nipple. The gold standard for diagnosis is histopathological examination. A prompt and correct diagnosis of EAN can avoid both unnecessary over treatment and patients emotional stress.
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