Clinical significance of preoperative regional intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy for advanced gas

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cobo520
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AIM: Preoperative intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy could increase the radical resection rate of advanced gastric cancer, but its effect on the long-term survival has not been assessed. This study was designed to evaluate the clinical significance of preoperative intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer.METHODS: Clinicopathological data of 91 patients who underwent curative resection for advanced gastric cancer were collected. Among them, 37 patients undertaken preoperative intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy were used as the interventional chemotherapy group, and the remaining 54 patients as the control group. Eleven factors including clinicopathological variables, treatment procedures and molecular biological makers that might contribute to the long-term survival rate were analyzed using Cox multivariate regression analysis.RESULTS: The 5-year survival rate was 52.5% and 39.8%,respectively, for the interventional group and the control group (P<0.05). Cox multivariate regression analysis revealed that the TNM stage (P<0.001), preoperative intraarterial infusion chemotherapy (P = 0.029) and growth patt (P = 0.042) were the independent factors for the long-term survival of patients with advanced gastric cancer.CONCLUSION: Preoperative intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy plays an important role in improving the prognosis of advanced gastric cancer.
目的通过对11家三甲医院心内科老年冠心病患者营养风险、营养不足及营养支持应用情况调查资料进行基于诊断相关组的再分析,了解该诊断相关组营养风险和营养不足的发生率和营养支持情况。方法在11家医院的心内科病房,采用连续采样的方法,收集登记全部入院患者。按"诊断相关组文件"将冠心病组中的90岁以下老年患者为入组标准。对2012年3至5月入组患者,在入院后24 h内用营养风险筛查工具2002(NRS 200
AIM: To evaluate the diagnosis, management principles and long-term results of congenital choledochal cysts in pregnancy.METHODS: Three adult patients were diag
目的 观察蔗糖铁注射液治疗老年缺铁性贫血(IDA)的疗效和不良反应.方法 选择32例老年IDA患者,按随机数字表法分为静脉组(17例)和口服组(15例),观察两种方法对改善贫血的疗效和不良反应.结果 治疗后静脉组及口服组血红蛋白(Hb)均较治疗前升高,分别为(100.18±8.71)g/L和(85.80±6.92)g/L,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);治疗后血清铁亦有上升,两组分别为(
目的应用营养风险筛查2002(NRS 2002)和主观全面营养评定(SGA)方法,动态调查慢性心血管患者住院期间营养状态变化。方法对2014年6至9月北京3家三甲医院心血管内科和老年医学科进行前瞻、平行多中心调查;纳入住院时间在7~30 d各类慢性心血管疾病住院患者;于入院后和出院前24 h内进行人体测量和实验室检查,并应用NRS 2002进行营养风险筛查和SGA进行营养评定。结果各病房连续登记入