Effective regeneration of high-performance anode material recycled from the whole electrodes in spen

来源 :绿色能源与环境(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hacker01
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Along with the extensive application of energy storage devices,the spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are unquestionably classified into the secondary resources due to its high content of several valuable metals.However,current recycling methods have the main drawback to their tedious process,especially the purification and separation process.Herein,we propose a simplified process to recycle both cathode (LiCoO2) and anode (graphite) in the spent LIBs and regenerate newly high-performance anode material,CoO/CoFe204/expanded graphite (EG).This process not only has the advantages of succinct procedure and easy control of reaction conditions,but also effectively separates and recycles lithium from transition metals.The 98.43% of lithium is recovered from leachate when the solid product CoO/CoFe204/EG is synthesized as anode material for LIBs.And the product exhibits improved cyclic stability (890 mAh g-1 at 1 A g-1 after 700 cycles) and superior rate capability(208 mAh g-1 at 5 A g-1).The merit of this delicate recycling design can be summarized as three aspects:the utilization of Fe impurity in waste LiCoO2,the transformation of waste graphite to EG,and the regeneration of anode material.This approach properly recycles the valuable components of spent LIBs,which introduces an insight into the future recycling.
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have gained remarkable attention as a novel wastewater treatment that simultaneously generates electricity.The low activity of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) remains one of the most critical bottlenecks limiting the develo
The semi-interpenetrating network anion exchange membranes (AEMs) based on quaternized polyvinyl alcohol (QPVA) and poly(-diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) are synthesized.The chemical cross-linking structure is formed between hydroxyl groups of QP
近些年,我国科学技术的革新,BIM(Building Information Modeling)技术在高速公路施工安全管理中得到了普遍应用.在道路建设项目中,BIM技术可以用于创建工程项目信息模型,直观、简单地描绘具体工程及其实施过程,还可以辅助工程各环节参与者根据需要使用数字模型进行动态计算或查询,实现准确的信息交流.本文主要介绍了BIM技术的发展以及如何应用这项技术解决高速公路工程项目管理中的问题.
芬太尼透皮贴剂1990年在美国上市,于1999年在我国批准上市,具有释药速率稳定,作用时间长达72 h,使用方便等特点,已成为目前临床应用最为广泛的癌症镇痛药物之一.2018年WHO成人和青少年癌痛的药物和放射治疗管理指南中提出芬太尼透皮贴剂是癌性疼痛常用的强阿片类镇痛药[1],并于2019年纳入WHO基本药物清单[2].
Coke oven gas (COG) is one of the most important by-products in steel industry,and the conversion of COG to value-added products has attracted much attention from both economic and environmental views.In this work,we use the chemical looping reforming tec
病例资料 患者,女,56 岁,左上腹疼痛不适20 d.患者于两年半前无明诱因出现左上腹疼痛不适,呈阵发性胀痛,无放射痛,无恶心呕吐,无胸闷气喘,无发热黄疸,无肛门停止排便、排气等不适.否认高血压、糖尿病、冠心病等病史,否认相关家族史.于当地医院就诊,胃镜检查提示:胃体部巨大息肉,糜烂性胃炎;胃镜病理:胃体部前壁增生性息肉,予以补液等对症治疗,症状稍好转.患者为进一步治疗,就诊于我院门诊,以胃肿物收治入院.入院后血液常规检查无异常,D-二聚体定量 1.3 mg/L FEU(正常参考值<0 . 55 mg/L
Key factsrnSynonym:mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome.rnDefinition:acute systemic vasculitis syndrome affecting small and medium-sized arteries (coronaries).rnClassic imaging appearance:coronary aneurysms.rnMore common in Japan, Asian populations.