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2006年5月下旬至6月初,大兴安岭地区松岭、新林一线多处发生森林火灾时,大兴安岭新安装的多普勒天气雷达资料,首次应用在指挥人工增雨作业中,取得了非常好的效果。本文把6月2日这次有利的天气形势、卫星云图、尤其是对雷达回波特征以及分发的部分雷达产品进行了详细的分析,为今后利用雷达资料指挥人工增雨作业提供科学依据。 From late May to early June 2006, newly installed Doppler weather radar data of Daxinganling occurred in a number of forest fires in the areas of Songling and Xinlin in the Greater Xing’an Mountains. For the first time, it was used in commanding artificial rainfall enhancement and achieved very good effect. In this paper, the advantageous weather conditions, satellite imagery, especially the characteristics of radar echoes and some radar products distributed are analyzed in detail on June 2, providing a scientific basis for future use of radar data to direct artificial rainfall enhancement work.
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