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外阴系指女性生殖器的外露部分,位于两股内侧之间,前面以耻骨联合、后面以会阴为界。在胚胎发育的初期,外生殖器起源于泌尿生殖窦周边的三个隆起。外阴向女性发育时,生殖结节发育成阴蒂,左右尿道褶成为小阴唇,左右生殖隆突成为大阴唇,泌尿生殖窦形成阴道前庭,泌尿生殖窦上皮向两侧陷入形成前庭大腺。女阴包括阴阜、大阴唇、小阴唇、阴蒂、阴道前庭等部位。一、阴阜:位于耻骨联合的前面,青春期后有肥厚的脂肪沉积和阴毛生长,阴毛成倒三角肜,疏密、粗细、颜色因人或种族而异。亦可因病或体内激素水平的不同而变化。二、大阴唇:为两股内侧的一对皱襞,未育妇女自然合拢遮盖阴道口,其外侧面与皮肤相同,有汗腺、皮脂腺及阴毛。内侧表面为复层鳞状上皮,似粘膜常湿润。子宫圆韧带经腹股沟管穿出后止于大阴唇上端。该部可发生阴唇疝或圆韧带囊肿。大阴唇皮下脂肪组织疏松,有丰富血管、淋巴和神经,局部受伤时易引起出血和血肿。 Vulvar refers to the exposed part of the female genitalia, located between the two medial, front pubic symphysis, followed by the perineum for the community. In the early stages of embryonic development, the genitals originate from three bulges around the urogenital sinus. Vulvar to female development, reproductive nodules develop into the clitoris, left and right urethra fold into the labia minora, left and right reproductive processes into the labia majora, urogenital sinus vaginal vestibule, genitourinary sinus into the formation of vestibular on both sides of the gland. Female vulva include mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vaginal vestibule and other parts. First, the mons pubis: located in front of the pubic symphysis, adiposity after fat deposition and pubic hair growth, pubic hair into the inverted triangle 疏, density, thickness, color varies by race or ethnicity. Can also vary due to disease or hormone levels in the body. Second, the labia majora: a pair of medial folds, non-pregnant women naturally close cover the vaginal opening, the outer surface of the same with the skin, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and pubic hair. The medial surface of stratified squamous epithelium, mucosal often wet. Uterine round ligament through the inguinal canal after piercing the labia majora end. The Ministry may occur hernia or round ligament cyst. The labia majora subcutaneous adipose tissue loose, rich in blood vessels, lymphatic and nerves, local injury easily lead to hemorrhage and hematoma.