Study on Subjects of Basic Medical Insurance in Urban Areas of China

来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovewxb1982
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The legal relationship of medical insurance refers to relationship of rights and obligations among subjects of medical insurance,namely relationship of rights and obligations formed among the insurer,the applicant, the insured and the beneficiary of medical insurance due to payment of medical insurance premiums and management and supervision of medical insurance fund.Only if the range of the insured serving as the subject of rights in such legal relationship,namely the insurant enjoying basic medical insurance,is defined can the legal relationship of basic medical insurance be better adapted to and values and goals of legal system of basic medical insurance be realized. The legal relationship of medical insurance refers to relationship of rights and obligations among subjects of medical insurance, that relationship of rights and obligations formed among the insurer, the applicant, the insured and the beneficiary of medical insurance due to payment of medical insurance premiums and management and supervision of medical insurance fund.Only if the range of the insured serving as the subject of rights in such legal relationship, namely the insurant enjoying basic medical insurance, is defined can the legal relationship of basic medical insurance be better adapted to and values ​​and goals of legal system of basic medical insurance be realized.
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