Graphene-decorated microfiber knot as a broadband resonator for ultrahigh-repetition-rate pulse fibe

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lonlychanging
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Searching for an ultrahigh-repetition-rate pulse on the order of hundreds of gigahertz (GHz) is still a challenging task in the ultrafast laser community. Recently, high-quality silicon/silica-based resonators were exploited to generate a high-repetition-rate pulse based on the filter-driven four-wave mixing effect in fiber lasers. However, despite their great performance, the silicon/silica-based resonators still have some drawbacks, such as single waveband operation and low coupling efficiency between the fiber and resonators. To overcome these drawbacks, herein we proposed an all-fiber broadband resonator fabricated by depositing the graphene onto a microfiber knot. As a proof-of-concept experiment, the graphene-deposited broadband microfiber knot resonator (MKR) was applied to Er- and Yb-doped fiber lasers operating at two different wavebands, respectively, to efficiently generate hundreds-of-GHz-repetition-rate pulses. Such a graphene-deposited broadband MKR could open some new applications in ultrafast laser technology, broadband optical frequency comb generation, and other related fields of photonics.
提出了一种新型树型结构1×N光功率分束器设计方法,该分束器以非对称Y分支为基本单元,采用级联的方式来实现对光功率的分束输出。基于有限差分光束传播法(FD-BPM),对该分束器光学性能进行了深入模拟与分析,结果表明在波长为1.55 μm时各输出端口的功率均分性要小于0.3 dB。其设计结构简单、损耗低、波长敏感性与偏振敏感性小。
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