王楠胭脂泪 不只为一万零一朵玫瑰而洒

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有一种感动,来自欣慰;有一种宽容,源于理解;有一种告别,因为满足。2005年5月5日早11点,王楠成了整个万体馆最幸福的人,那一万零一朵玫瑰和数千双为她挥舞的双手,如炽热的烈焰,让她在女双半决赛获胜后难以抑制奔腾的热泪和感慨,潸然泪下。胭脂泪,洒在一万零一朵玫瑰花瓣上,在即将和世乒赛挥手告别的时刻,王楠得到了至爱亲朋的最高奖励。刹那间,繁华逝去,女皇将永远成为世乒赛永恒而又有些无奈的记忆,女单1/16比赛意外地负于文炫晶之后,王楠没有流泪但此刻,如同两年前在花都巴黎重新崛起时的自己,她再度纵情地宣泄。 There is a touch, from comfort; there is a tolerance, from understanding; there is a goodbye, because of satisfaction. May 11, 2005 As early as 11 am, Wang Nan became the happiest person in the whole Gymnasium. The ten thousand roses and thousands of pairs of her waving hands, such as the hot flames, allowed her to work in the female half Difficult to suppress Pentium after winning the final heat and emotion, tears. Rouge tears, sprinkled on the ten thousand rose petals, and the upcoming World Championships waving goodbye moments, Wang Nan got the highest reward loved ones friends. Suddenly, the Queen will always become the eternal and some helpless memories of the World Table Tennis Championships, women’s singles 1/16 accidentally lost to Wen Xuan Jing, Wang Nan did not cry but at the moment, as two years ago in Paris, Huadu Rise again when she, once again ventured ventured.
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