A ring type standing wave ultrasonic motor using cantilever type longitudinal transducers

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanjiao1989
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The disadvantages of classic ring type ultrasonic motor were analyzed.To obtain large mechanical output power,a ring type standing wave ultrasonic motor using cantilever type longitudinal transducers was proposed.There are four pairs of cantilevers on one side of the ring,and four PZT ceramics are set between each pair of cantilevers.A screw fastened the PZT ceramics and cantilevers together to form a longitudinal transducer.The bending vibration mode of the ring is excited by the stretching vibration of the PZT ceramics.Thus,linear simple harmonic motions are achieved at the particle on the teeth.And the driving force is the frictional force between rotor and stator.The working principle of the proposed motor was analyzed.The ring and the longitudinal transducer were designed with FEM.The sensitive parameters of resonant frequency of the transducer and ring could be gained with modal analysis.The longitudinal vibration modal of transducer and bending vibration modal of ring were degenerated,and the motion trajectories of nodes on the teeth were analyzed.The results of this paper could guide the development of this new type of motor. The disadvantages of classic ring type ultrasonic motor were able. To obtain large mechanical output power, a ring type standing wave ultrasonic motor using cantilever type longitudinal transducers was proposed. There are four pairs of cantilevers on one side of the ring, and four PZT ceramics are set between each pair of cantilevers. A screw fastened the PZT ceramics and cantilevers together to form a longitudinal transducer. the bending vibration mode of the ring is excited by the stretching vibration of the PZT ceramics. .hus, linear simple harmonic motions are achieved at the particle on the teeth. And the driving force is the frictional force between rotor and the stator. The working principle of the proposed motor was designed. The ring and the longitudinal transducer were designed with FEM. The sensitive parameters of resonant frequency of the transducer and ring could be gained with modal analysis. longitudinal vibration modal of transducer and bending vibration modal of ring were degen erated, and the motion trajectories of nodes on the teeth were analyzed.The results of this paper could guide the development of this new type of motor.
在《刘巧儿》的原型封芝琴的家乡,在广袤的董志塬上,有一个普通的家庭,像永远向往幸福的巧儿一样,三代人用爱精心守护着他们心中最温暖的家。  ——“让媳妇儿”的爷爷——  故事还得从董宇蓉丈夫的爷爷说起。  爷爷从小家庭贫寒,生活很是艰辛,常常为谋生计而东奔西走、寄人篱下。爷爷是家里的长子,懂事的他从小就挑起了养家的重担。他将3个弟弟拉扯长大,看着他们一个个娶妻成家之后,才给自己凑合着娶了一个妻子。但
很多人都在为上下班堵车而烦恼,堵也罢了,偏偏总是自己堵着,而对面反向的车道,却往往很稀疏,畅通无阻。看着一辆辆车迎面疾驶而过,被堵的人,心里真是充满了羡慕、嫉妒、恨。  他就是常常行驶在对面车道的那个人。每天早晨进城上班的时候,正是很多人出城的时候,进城的人少,出城的人多,所以,他堵不着;傍晚,他下班出城的时候,又是大多数人像归巢的鸟儿,往城里赶的时候,出城的路空空荡荡,他又没堵着。他的家在郊区。
父母与子女之间难以沟通,造成两代人的隔阂和矛盾,这是目前大多数家庭面临的育子困惑。而对于离异家长来说,情形则更为严重。长沙一对离异的夫妻,独创一种“亲子树下真情告白”的方法,较好地解决了单亲家庭父子、母子之间的心灵沟通问题,效果显著。2013年10月10日,儿子在出国留学前,如愿以偿地吃到了父母复婚的喜糖,高高兴兴地飞赴英国伦敦留学。这个家庭的亲情故事和育儿经验值得赏析和借鉴。  “儿大爹难做”,
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We review our works that focus on the microwave magnetic properties of metallic,ferrite and granular thin films.Soft magnetic material with large permeability a
培训项目开发是培训机构的核心竞争力之所在。能否围绕企业需求,开发出有价值的培训项目,既决定培训机构对企业的服务质量,也决定培训机构自身的生存与发展。1 开发培训项目应立