Universal composable secure protocol for EPC system

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaobaihuo197992
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As an important component of internet of things, electronic product code (EPC) system is widely used in many areas. However, the mass deployment of EPC system is frequently degraded by security and privacy problems. Therefore, the major researches focus on the design of a secure EPC system with high efficiency. This paper discusses the security requirements of EPC system and presents a universal composable (UC) model for EPC system, the ideal functionality of EPC system is also formally defined with the UC framework. Then a secure protocol for EPC system under UC framework is proposed and the analysis of security and performance of the proposed protocol is given, in comparison with other protocols, the results show that the proposed protocol is UC secure and can provide privacy protection, untraceability, authorized access, anonymity and concurrent security for EPC system. Furthermore, less computation and storage resource are required by the proposed protocol. As an important component of internet of things, electronic product code (EPC) system is widely used in many areas. However, the mass deployment of EPC system is frequently degraded by security and privacy problems. Therefore, the major researches focus on the design of a secure EPC system with high efficiency. This paper discusses the security requirements of EPC system and presents a universal composable (UC) model for EPC system, the ideal functionality of EPC system is also formally defined with the UC framework. Then a secure protocol for EPC system under UC framework is proposed and the analysis of security and performance of the proposed protocol is given, in comparison with other protocols, the results show that the proposed protocol is UC secure and can provide privacy protection, untraceability, authorized access, anonymity and concurrent security for EPC system. Furthermore, less computation and storage resource are required by the proposed protocol.
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