
来源 :农家之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckcarrier
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正大脆芹以抗热耐寒,抗病抗逆强,生长速度快,叶片大,白梗,质地脆嫩,清香叶浓,商品性佳而深受广大生产者和消费者的欢迎。现将其栽培要点介绍如下:1、播种期。春、夏、秋三季均可播种。春季可于3月份播种;夏季可于5~7月份播种;秋季可于8~10月播种。2、播种方式。正大脆芹可直播,也可以育苗移栽。夏季天气炎热,移栽不易成活,为了提高抗旱能力和争取在淡季供应,常用直播。春秋两季可用育苗移栽。3、种子处理。播前先浸种催芽,将种子用清水浸 Ching Ching is resistant to heat and hardy cold, strong resistance to disease and disease resistance, fast growth, large leaves, white stems, texture crisp, fragrant leaf thick, good merchandise and welcomed by the majority of producers and consumers. The cultivation points are introduced as follows: 1, sowing period. Spring, summer and autumn seasons can be sown. Spring can be planted in March; Summer can be planted in May to July; autumn can be planted in August to October. 2, sowing methods. Ching Ching can be broadcast live, you can also transplanting seedlings. Summer hot weather, transplanting is not easy to survive, in order to improve drought capability and strive to supply in the off-season, often live. Spring and autumn seeding transplanting available. 3, seed treatment. Sowing seeds before germination, the seeds soaked with water