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7月18日,省档案局召开党的群众路线教育实践活动动员大会,深入学习领会中央和省委关于深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动的重要精神,动员部署全局教育实践活动的深入开展。局党组书记、局馆长谢波主持会议并作动员报告,省委第七督导组组长郭兴华代表督导组讲话。局馆全体党员干部职工143人参加会议。谢波在动员讲话中指出,省档案局认真贯彻执行中央和省委关于开展党的群众路线教育实践活动的一系列指示精 On July 18, the provincial archives held the mobilization meeting of the party’s mass line education practice activities, deepened the study and understanding of the important spirit of the central and provincial party committees on deepening the party’s practice of mass line education, and mobilized the deployment of the overall educational practice in depth. Bureau Party Secretary, Bureau Chief Xie Bo presided over the meeting and mobilization report, Guo Xinghua, head of the Provincial Seventh Steering Group on behalf of the steering group speech. 143 members and staff of all party members and cadres in the bureau attended the meeting. Xie Bo pointed out in his mobilization speech that the provincial archives conscientiously implemented the series of instructions of the Central Government and the provincial party committee on carrying out the party’s mass line education practice activities
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3ne day,at l,dinner, tvanty(阿 凡提) bund that he rich alan put some foodand fruits into his pockets while eating.。 ◆3. ’Ilherich man gotvery angry butAvanty
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