Total Vertebral Body Breast Cancer Metastases: One Case Report and Literature Review

来源 :临床肿瘤与癌症研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong448
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Breast cancer is one of the most commonly seen malignant tumors in the female population, and it ranks the first in the incidence of malignancies among women. The skeleton is a common metastatic site for advanced breast cancer and is where spinal metastasis is most frequently seen. The incidence rate of spinal metastasis in descending order is as follows: thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacrococcy-geal vertebrae and cervical vertebrae. Although osseous metastasis of breast cancer is very common, cases with metastasis to all vertebral bodies is currently very rare. The diagnostic method of osseous metastasis of breast cancer typically includes radiograph, CT and MRI. Ordinary radiograph has a high specificity but a low sensitivity, so total vertebral body metastases can only be detected when the extent of osteoclasia exceeds 50%. Some diagnostic shortcomings remain, although the sensitivity of CT and MRI has been greatly improved compared to the radiograph. At present, the most advanced synchronous PET-CT visualization can presumably raise the sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of breast cancer, based on the features of 18F-FDG imaging, and combined with morphologic change and precise localization. The following case report is in regard to a patient with total vertebral body metastasis from breast cancer detected by PET-CT.
摘要: 本文作者在充分肯定了传统的夸美纽斯班级授课制这一集体教学组织形式积极意义的同时,指出了其在现行的计算机教学中的客观局限性,并根据自己的探索实践,具体讲述了分层教学法在计算机学科中的应用及取得的成效,为进一步的教学组织形式改革探明了方向。  关键词: 分层教学法计算机学科应用实践    由大教育家夸美纽斯创始的班级授课制的教学形式即集体教学自创始至今已延续了三百余年,在学校教育中,集体教学组
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