
来源 :福建文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mhouwen
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被福建省人大、政协、各民主党派、工商联负责人和专家称之为八闽历史上修路最多、时间最短、标准最高、速度最快、质量最好、发动群众面最宽、使用机械最广泛、投资最大、效益最显著、社会反响最强烈的公路“先行工程”建设,如今正敲响了胜利的锣鼓,提前4年完成省委、省政府1992年提出的在2000年完成的目标。4年来,累计新建改建二级以上公路4000公里,修建桥梁1168座,隧道33座,涵洞 By Fujian Provincial People’s Congress, the CPPCC, the democratic parties, heads of industry and commerce and the experts called the history of roads in northern Fujian up, the shortest time, the highest standards, the fastest, best quality, the mobilization of the people the most wide, the use of machinery The most extensive, most-invested, most effective and most socially-rewarded highway “first project” construction is now sounded the victory of the percussion, 4 years ahead of schedule completed by the provincial government in 1992 to complete the goal in 2000 . In the past four years, a total of 4,000 kilometers of newly-built highways above grade two have been built, 1168 bridges have been constructed, 33 tunnels have been constructed, and culverts
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